Level Two

Level 2
Level 2 has had a wonderful start to the new school year. Mrs Stagoll, Miss Murphy, Mrs Coumaros, and Miss Francis have all enjoyed welcoming and getting to know all the year 2 students so far. We’re excited for the year ahead and all the learning we have planned.
We had a visit from “Healthy Harold,” where students learned about the importance of being a good friend and what being a good friend looks like.
Staying Safe When Online
Level 2 also had a visit from Ollie Online, where students learned about internet safety and what the internet is. Ollie taught the students how listening to their bodies can help recognise early warning signs, and how trusted adults can support them in staying safe online. In addition we had a Police visit talking about internet safety from Constable Sarah.
Swimming Program
Swimming has now begun for Years 1 and 2, and it’s such a valuable skill for the students to learn. They’re all doing an amazing job! A big thank you to all the parents who have supported and signed their child up for swimming lessons this year.
In Reading this term we have been focusing on visualising, phonics, and reading groups. Students have been working hard with our new phonics program and have enjoyed creating pictures of the texts we have shared.
In level two we have been learning about creating recounts texts.
In Maths this term, students have been focusing on data collection and measurement. Students had plenty of hands-on experience gathering data using informal units like hands and feet. Additionally, students have been using scales to sort items by their weight, determining which are lighter or heavier.
Student Voice
Here is what some of our students had to say about what they have enjoyed this term.
- This year I have enjoyed learning about measurement in maths. Radvin 2S
- I like Grade 2 because we have access to the big kids playground. Morris 2S
- I have enjoyed writing recounts and going to specialist classes. Yanice 2M
- I like learning, doing craft and making new friends. Nel 2M
- I love using the laptops and practising my ICT skills. Blake 2C
- I am looking forward to swimming next week in year 2. Tara 2C
- I like when we measured around the classroom! Tina R 2F
- Phonics is my favourite part of grade 2 because we get to learn sounds and use the whiteboards. Seraphina 2F