

This term in reading, the Preps have been focusing on the strategies of predicting and visualising. They have been engaging with a variety of books, both by reading and listening, and using these strategies to predict what the story might be about. The students have been practising visualising by drawing a picture about the story.



This term in writing, the Preps have been focusing on learning to write their names. We practise daily using our sign-in booklets to reinforce this skill. Every Monday, the students

 write and draw recounts about their weekend activities. The students are beginning to

 attempt writing their own words in their recounts by sounding them out. This is a great step toward developing their writing skills and independence!


Over the past few weeks, the Preps have been learning the sounds S, A, T, P, I, and N. They work on these sounds daily to help reinforce their understanding. They connect these sounds to their handwriting, where students write each letter with the correct formation while saying the sound aloud. The students have also been enjoying learning about our Word of the Week!



This term in Prep, the students have been exploring place value and numbers up to 10. They have also been learning about the days of the week and have had a lot of fun singing songs to help us remember them!


This term in Wellbeing, the Preps have been exploring different emotions. They have engaged in a variety of games and role-playing activities to help them understand and express these emotions.