Wellbeing Wrap Up

A very big congratulations to our wonderful DPS students on such a fantastic start to 2025. It has been so impressive seeing our students showcasing our school values, stepping up to the expectations of their new year level and being inclusive, respectful and kind on the playground.


It has been fantastic to see our Year 6 leaders connecting their Prep buddy who they meet with on a regular basis. We love the way our Year 6 students support their buddy as part of a smooth transition to primary school life. 


Last week I had the pleasure of working with 4D. We read a book called The Giving Tree which focusing on aspects of being a good friend, knowing your self-worth and respectfully voicing your opinion. We also played some games focusing on being mindful, humble, and showing self-control. 


Feel free to read what some student thoughts about the lesson. 


We learnt about not being too competitive and book was calming. The message was not be greedy. Eesa 


The game was about listening and being mindful which is to be relaxed and focus on what's happening now. Hana 


The book was about not use friends. The clapping game was about focussing and being humble. Yuehan 


The game about our listening. People were calm and were good sports. Eshan