Mathletics Awards

Mathletics awards are given to students who earn at least 1000 points in a week on the web-based program, Mathletics. The students below have already achieved at least one bronze certificate even though it is so early in the school year! Congratulation to the following students ...


Week Two Bronze Awards

Hudson Prep T, Rafayel Prep W, Viktoria 1L, Lynette 1M, Yusra 2F, Pip 4M, Ethan 3E, Joseph 3E, Yi 3O, Eesa 4D, Omar 4K, Clara 4J, Barad 4J, Taim 4J, Keilen 5A, Naman 5H, Caleb 5K, Quincy 5K, Lucius 5K, Aneeqa 6W, Alisha 6C, Amanda 6G.


Week Three Bronze Awards

Veeran Prep W, Zayna 1M, Victoria 1G, Audrey 1L, Morris 2S, Madison 2S, Luke 2S, Ethan 3J, Sean 3O, Jacobus 3E, Elwyn 3O, Ivy 4D, Isabella 4D, Svetha 4K, Yuehan 4D, Melogy 4J, Lente 4D, Fahan 4J, Mason 4J, Lucas 5P, Kevin 5K, Shangnuo 5H, Max 6C, Radmehr 6C, Naherica 6C, Senul 6C.


Week Four Bronze Awards

Peter 1L, Yuki 1L, Esme 1M, Hana 2F, Sophia 2S, Parsa 2S, Mason 3P, Irene 3O, Palavinnage 3O, Minato 3O, Amelia 3O, Leena 3E, Liam 3E, Wing Yan 3J, Chloe 3J, Yin Wa 4E, Nok Chi 4K, Krish 4J, Kairav 4K, James 4E, James 4K, Yaseen 4K, Hana 4D, Samyar 4J, Chanel 5H, Elina 5K, Olivia 5K, Viktoria 6C, Chloe 6C, Eric 6C, Mika 6C, Seyedavash 6D.


Please note: For each student, the first certificate in each category will be listed in the newsletter and printed by the school (ie, your first bronze certificate will be listed but not your second, third, etc)