Level Six

Grade 6 has had a busy start to the year! First up, we were all excited to get our flash Leavers polos and bombers.
Since then, we have been busy with a lot of learning including work on number properties, place value, visualising, predicting, writing narratives, and more!
We are in the swing of Interschool Sports training, with teams in basketball, softball, rounders and tennis.
We’ve recently had two TalkMoney incursions where we have been learning about saving and spending. Maybe some of our money tips have made it home to you!!
It was also very exciting to vote in our House Captains. Congratulations to Lila and Jerry, Sophie and Max, Juah and Rafaela, Terry and Mika. It was great to see so many students showing our DPS values and
presenting an application to be a captain.
Mika, 6C: I was very nervous doing the speech for House Captain, but once I got it I was really happy. So far I have been helping to run the sports shed for people wanting to borrow sports equipment.
Chloe, 6C: I’m going to be doing Tennis for Interschool Sports. In our first session, I really enjoyed hitting the ball to the wall and to my partner Amanda. We did target practise and that was pretty tricky.
Max, 6W: I wasn't that nervous when I presented my House Captain application because I had gone for School Captain and JSC in previous years. When I heard it was announced, I was relieved. It's great to get something I haven't done before.
Luka, 6W: We learned about the HEARD method during TalkMoney. Hear is for Hear, E is for Express your wants and needs, A is ask questions, R is respect the other person's opinion and D is disagree respectfully. Use this when you are making decisions about money.