Level Five

Level Five have made a positive start to the school year and the students are very excited to now be a part of the senior school. With that change comes new opportunities, new chances for leadership, increased expectations and greater autonomy. We can't wait to see what this cohort will achieve and where their hard work will take them.


Please find below a summary of what we are learning this term, including some student reflections. 



  • In our reading lessons, we’ve been focusing on two key strategies to help us become stronger readers. We kicked off the term by starting our class novel, Boy Overboard, and delved into the strategies of predicting and visualising to enhance our understanding and engagement with the text. 
  • Writing lessons have placed an emphasis on the Narrative and Persuasive text types to assist with NAPLAN preparation.  Students have been revising the structure and language features related to the above genres. We have also focused on creating depth and detail as well as generating ideas under time constraints. 


  • In numeracy, students have been exploring place value as a crucial building block for their understanding of number and mathematics in general. This unit incorporates both whole and fractional numbers. We have also spent some time working on measurement and time. NAPLAN style questions have been a focus for our daily warm ups and problem solving in preparation for the assessments in March.

Theme (Integrated)

  • This term, we are exploring how aid agencies support children worldwide, from those in developing countries to those affected by natural disasters. Our discussions will focus on the diverse experiences of childhood across different regions, highlighting the challenges children face in various environments. We will also emphasise the importance of education for all children and the fundamental rights that every child should have, regardless of where they live.

Wellbeing and Cyber Safety

  • Our wellbeing focus for term one is to set up our classroom norms and expectations and to establish strong relationships. We have discussed the values of pride, determination and respect, worked on accepting differences, and learned a bit more about the various cultures and backgrounds in the classroom. In cyber safety, we have learned about how to use the laptops safely, and reviewed the digital technology agreement.

Student reflections


Nick 5A – I’ve enjoyed catching up with my friends from last year as well as doing problem solving tasks in class to help challenge myself.


Maya 5A – I’ve really enjoyed participating in inter-school sports so early in the year.


Adib 5P - One thing I’m really enjoying is Science,  because we use Plickers and it’s super fun and entertaining.


Aneesa 5P - I really like Theme because we get to do group projects and work with our friends a lot.


Sadra 5P - I really liked the ‘Race to 1000’ money game in maths. It was super fun competing with our class mates and getting warmed up for maths.


Olivia 5K -  I really like how my friends support me  and how I can have fun with them in any subject :)


Torres 5K - I really like P.E , because we can do Ultimate Dodgeball and we get to run 2 laps around the gym.


Shayan 5H - I liked do do P.E Ultimate Dodgeball because you do lots of things in the game


Anya 5H- I really like playing with my friends on the oval doing track and field stuff, so I would like to do it in P.E