Level Four

The Year 4 teachers have been so impressed by the way our students have adjusted to the routines and expectations of Year 4. The first three weeks of the year involved setting up our class routines and adjusting to our programs. Feel free to read some thoughts from our students about the start to the year.
I have lots of friends and we play fun games. Darrin 4D
We are having fun subjects and I like our classroom. Students show respect. Bella 4D
Grade 4 has been very fun. Every person in your new class is nice. Ryan 4J
Everyone in 4J is kind and generous. I think the school is the best school in my life. I am new. Audrey 4J.
I like everything about grade 4. Phoenix 4K
I enjoyed the get to know games like the clapping. Sophia 4K
My favourite thing about grade 4 so far is making new friends. Arsam 4E
We are very impressed by the content understanding by our students in our maths unit on data and graph reading. We have been collecting data, analyzing data and creating a variety of graphs. We wanted to share some impressive work samples with you.