Level Three

Our Level Three students have begun the year off positively. Through our TEAM lessons, students spent lots of time getting to know Level 3 routines and expectations, as well as learning lots of interesting facts about their new peers.
Mr. Stink-Our class novel for Term 1 is Mr. Stink and all of our level three students have been listening carefully, showing enjoyment whilst wondering 'what is going to happen next?'.
This term we have been focussing on visualising when we are reading. We have used our prior knowledge, and verbs and adjectives from the text to explain how we have visualised the text.
What our students have to say about reading:
Joseph 3P- I have liked visualising a book called Bad Dad.
Simra 3P- It is fun when you can close your eyes and visualise what is happening in the book.
In writing we have been exploring narratives. Students have explored how characters, settings, problems and solutions can make our writing entertaining. Students have also focussed on including interesting adjectives and verbs to make their writing outstanding!
What our students have to say about writing:
Amelia 3P- I like writing narratives because I like to plan my story first.
Megan 3P- I like to add a sizzling start to my writing.
In maths we began the year looking at data, creating and interpreting different types of graphs. We then explored mass. Students measured and weighed different objects, learning about centimetres, millimetres, kilograms and grams. Our maths challenge presented an exciting opportunity to students who were asked to guess the weight of a box of jellybeans. Well done to Olivia 3E, Sam 3J, Matthew 3P and Sara 3O who all got the closest guess and received a box of jellybeans!
What our students have to say about maths:
Sarina 3P- I like maths because I can count 4-digit numbers.
Mason 3P- I liked learning about measurement.
Well done to the following students who were elected as their JSC class representatives
3E- Violet and Makayla
3J- Grayson and Lily
3O- Minato and Zara
3P- Simra and Amelia
Homework Reminders:
Students are to complete spelling, reading and Mathletics homework each week. Homework books and reading logs are to be returned to school each Friday.