Child Safety / Pastoral Wellbeing
St Joseph's, Quarry Hill is a child-safe school. We promote the safety, well-being and inclusion of all children.
Child Safety / Pastoral Wellbeing
St Joseph's, Quarry Hill is a child-safe school. We promote the safety, well-being and inclusion of all children.
Routines are extremely important for students to feel safe at school. It is crucial at the beginning of a school year to re-establish an understanding of how we move around the school in a calm and safe manner.
Congratulations to the following students for joining the PBIS team:- Caleb Sackey, London Orchard, Nate Rutland and Abbie Hilson. They will join Chloe, Aubrey, Devaj and Piper to make up our student team this year. We look forward to their input, enthusiasm contributions and student voice in making our school safe and a great place to be in 2025.
Over the past few weeks, students have been involved in their first online sessions of Inform and Empower. The sessions have certainly been engaging, and the students have participated in the tasks enthusiastically. The senior’s sessions have included Kahoot's, short videos and quizzes as well as informative information about online safety and cyber use.
The learning for the coming term:-
At all times, the ongoing safety and well-being of all children and young people will be the primary focus of care and decision-making, with particular attention paid to the most vulnerable children, including Aboriginal children, children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, children with a disability, children who are unable to live at home, international students, and students of diverse sexuality.
To create and maintain a safe environment and nurturing culture, CES Ltd and St Joseph's Primary School will actively and continually develop and review all policies, processes and practices, informed and responsive to legislation and evidence.
The St Joseph's Primary, Quarry Hill Child Safety, Student Behaviours, Duty of Care, Complaints Management and Enrolment Policies and Procedures are available from the St Joseph's Website:
PBIS, or Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports, is a proactive approach to school-wide expectations. It focuses on teaching positive behaviours, and creating a safe and supportive environment for all students. PBIS encourages good behaviour through recognition and reinforcement, fostering a positive school culture where every child can thrive.
Thank you for your support with Pastoral Wellbeing at St Joseph’s.
Please contact me with any questions or queries in the area of wellbeing.
Elise Nally
Pastoral Wellbeing Leader