Principal's Update

St Joseph's is a child-safe school. 

We promote the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all students.

Good morning families ... 


Magnify Sandhurst

As I visit classrooms and explore our school, I am truly impressed by the learning taking place in both English and Mathematics classes through the implementation of OCHRE and InitiaLit.  The students and staff have embraced the new routines designed to enhance student learning.  Our knowledge-rich curriculum, combined with the establishment of calm and positive classroom environments, allows our students to concentrate, learn, and thrive.


I want to recognize the tremendous effort of our staff and students as they adapt to the new programs introduced through Magnify Sandhurst.  I encourage families to engage with their children about their learning experiences, the texts they are reading, and the concepts they are exploring.

Parking & Safety around school

Parking Services from the City of Greater Bendigo have contacted our school to request that we share the following important information with our school community.


The illegal parking of vehicles near our school poses a significant safety risk to children, pedestrians, and other road users. Parents are reminded to follow all parking restrictions when dropping off and collecting children to help ensure a safe environment for everyone.


Motorists must: 

  • Not stop in "No Stopping" areas, even briefly, regardless of whether the engine is running.

  • Not park next to a continuous yellow edge line, on nature strips, over driveways, too close to school crossings, or double park.

  • Observe time-restricted parking zones, such as 2-minute pick-up/drop-off areas, which are in place to maintain traffic flow and safety near schools.

  • Not perform U-turns over an unbroken or continuous dividing line.

Regarding children’s crossings, the law requires drivers to approach at a speed that allows them to stop safely if needed.  Please slow down and take extra care when driving in school zones.


City of Greater Bendigo Parking Officers and Bendigo Police conduct random patrols throughout the school year at various locations to ensure compliance with Road Safety Road Rules.


Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our school community safe.


Learning Conversations

Learning Conversations will be held on Monday March 3, Tuesday March 4 and Friday March 7, 2025.  Mrs Perry held her Learning Conversations earlier this week due to her going on Long Service Leave.

Please remember to book your Learning Conversations through PAM.



Personal Device Policy

Thank you for your support with this new initiative. The students have responded positively to the changes regarding their devices. Our procedures are aligned with those set out by CESL.

I appreciate your support with this change. 


2025 Closure Days

Please keep in mind that the school closure days for 2025 are included on the 'Calendar' page.


Pupil Free Day - Learning Conversations March 7

Public Holiday - Monday March 10 for Labour Day Holiday


2025 Class Representatives

We still have vacancies for Classroom Representatives in Foundation SC & BW, 34RP, 56EN & 56NW. 


If you are interested, please contact the school office.



Kind regards,

Peter Teggelove, Principal

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