Community News

Food Fight - Cancer Council Vic : Cancer Council is calling for organisations to sign up and encourage the Victorian Government to remove unhealthy food and drink advertising on public transport/infrastructure within 500m of schools in order to improve health outcomes for young people. There is also additional information on this webpage on how else you can take action such as writing to your local MP or sharing your story. As of today, 13, 826 people have joined this movement. Visit the page at:
Catholic Care VIC workshops: Catholic Care is offering a variety of workshops, short programs and courses (both in person and online) for parents and young people in schools. You may find some of these workshops useful for your staff and/or families. Visit the page at: Workshops - Catholic Care VIC
Join a great local soccer club ... Golden City Soccer Club is looking for new players.
We’re an inclusive, family friendly club and we are looking for players from all age levels and experience to play this season starting in April. All are welcome!
We have teams for all age levels and abilities. We have all-girl teams at all age levels and have a high female membership in our juniors.
Our junior season starts after the Easter school break and runs for 16 weeks.
Junior games are played on Saturday mornings on small-sided pitches with modified rules to make the games inclusive, engaging and fun.
Training takes place once a week at our home ground, Shadforth Park, Fenton Street, North Bendigo.
You can register at Play Football -
Please get in touch for further information.
Email, see our Facebook page or visit