Student News

Student Awards

Student Awards will be presented at our Assembly held every second Friday.  The next Assembly will be held this Friday February 28, 2025 @ 2.35pm (*please note new time)


Congratulations to our most recent Award winners! 

Families and friends are invited to attend. 



  • Koby Franklin (FSC) - ‘Be Your Best’ for your enthusiasm to learn and try new things.  Thank you for coming to school every day with a smile on your face Koby!  Keep up the fantastic work. 

  • Remy Belford (FSC) - ‘Be Your Best’ for fantastic focus during our counting and number writing lessons.  You are working so hard Remy – keep up the wonderful work!  

  • Remy Griffin (FBW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for trying hard to form your letters correctly.  It is wonderful to see you so focused and trying your best, Remy.  Keep up the great work! 

  • Eva Kaur (FBW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for listening carefully to instructions and always trying your best.  It is wonderful to see you being proud of your efforts Eva.  Well done! 

Year 1 & 2

  • Ella Douglas (12GM) - ‘Be Your Best’ for always following instructions and completing all tasks to a high standard.  You are an incredibly determined student, keep up your excellent work!  Well done Ella! 

  • Sebastian Stringer (12GM) - ‘Be Your Best’ for demonstrating persistence in class to complete all your tasks.  By taking it one step at a time, you are doing a great job to ensure you don’t miss any key information.  Well done Sebastian! 

  • Clancy McKenry (12LD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for excellent creative writing skills. Clancy wrote a highly engaging Rocket Writing piece about a dragon who was in a galaxy far, far away. Keep up the great work, Clancy! 

  • Poppy Kent (12LD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for working hard during all InitiaLit lessons.  Poppy listens attentively and ensures that her work is completed to a high standard.  Keep up the great work, Poppy! 

  • Quincy Hogan (12ZH) - ‘Help Others Succeed’ for always looking to help others in the classroom.  Your understanding of others allows you to be a great help to everyone in our class.  Well done Quincy! 

  • Sidney Higgins (12ZH) - ‘Be Your Best’ for always contributing to our class discussions.  Thank you for your eagerness to share your ideas in a respectful manner!  Great job Sidney! 

Year 3 & 4

  • Mae Russell (34RP) - ‘Be Your Best’ for using good strategies to solve Mathematics problems and always trying your best.  Well done Mae! 

  • Arianna Arendtsz (34RP) - ‘Be Your Best’ for participating in all tasks with enthusiasm and perseverance.  Your positive attitude to learning is wonderful to see.  Keep up the great work Arianna! 

  • Arlo Hirst (34LB) - ‘Be Your Best’ for always contributing to classroom activities and discussions.  Your enthusiasm for learning is great for everyone in the classroom to see.  Well done, Arlo! 

  • Mercedes Arendtsz (34LB) - ‘Be Responsible’ for being organised and ready for each lesson.  Mercedes, you have made a very positive start to the year, and you should be extremely proud of yourself.  Excellent effort, Mercedes! 

  • Ash Dunlop (34JM) - ‘Be Responsible’ for working to stay focussed during all tasks and for giving everything a go.  You have been working so hard this term Ash; I am very proud of you!  Well, done! 

  • Arabella Higgins (34JM) - ‘Be Your Best’ for always contributing to classroom discussions and setting such a wonderful example to others.  Arabella, your beautiful manners and thoughtfulness towards others is something to be very proud of.  Great work Arabella!! 

Year 5 & 6

  • Ace Witt (56EN) – ‘Be Your Best’ for his positive start to Year 6.  Ace, you are ready to learn by being organized and focused on your tasks.  You contribute and enjoy sharing your learning strategies during maths sessions.  Keep up the terrific outlook! 

  • Piper Gwynn (56EN) – ‘Be Your Best’ for her enthusiasm and contribution during literacy and maths sessions.  Piper, you participate well in all parts of the session, enjoy a challenge and ask curious questions.  A great role model! 

  • Hamish Trimble (56NW) - ‘Be Responsible’ for utilising every minute of your learning time.  Hamish, your organisational skills are excellent and you’re consistently staying focused throughout the day.  Well, done.  

  • Jordan-Leigh George (56NW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for continually being your best every day, by bringing a strong work ethic.  Your commitment towards your learning is always a pleasure to see.  Well, done.  

  • Kayden Brennan (56TD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for settling into his new classroom this year.  Kayden, it’s great to see you participate in class by raising your hand, asking relevant questions and contributing to group discussions.  Keep up the good work.  

  • Paddy Treanor (56TD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for his excellent use of class time and great work ethic.  Paddy, you consistently listen carefully and complete your work to a very high standard.  Keep up the good work!  




  • Scout McAllan (12GM) – ‘Be Your Best’ for demonstrating curiosity and creativity in STEAM challenges, eagerly exploring new ideas and asking insightful questions.  Well done, Scout.  

  • Tom Willis (34RP) – ‘Be Your Best’ for showing fantastic teamwork, great listening skills, and encouragement towards your teammates during the Cup Stacking Challenge.  Your positive attitude and support helped your team work together and succeed!  Well done, Tom.  

  • Flynn Ginnivan - (34RP) – ‘Be Your Best’ for demonstrating outstanding hands-on engineering skills, collaboration, and leadership during the Ping Pong Ball Maze Challenge.  Keep up the great effort, Flynn.  


  • Sebastian Stringer (12GM) – ‘Be Your Best’ for listening well to instructions and asking clarifying questions to ensure that your self-portrait was completed to the best of your ability.  Top effort, Sebastian. 

  • Kyla Williams (34RP) – ‘Be Your Best’ for working quietly at your table to produce an amazing sun and moon picture using the warm and cool colours.  Well done Kyla. 

  • Nash Griffin (34JM) – ‘Be Your Best’ for demonstrating resilience during Art.  Nash, it was very impressive to see you embrace our cool and warm colours activity.  After making an error you worked hard at fixing your work and completing a drawing that you should be very proud of.  Well done. 

  • Phillip Antoniadis (56NW) – ‘Be Your Best’ for displaying a willingness to improve on your art skills, by listening carefully to teacher feedback, and for seeking help when needed.  You are completing some wonderful pieces of art.  Keep it up!  


  • Essie Cummins (12LD) – ‘Be Your Best’ for always participating in performing Arts activities with enthusiasm and attention to detail, eagerly playing our instruments and volunteering to showcase her achievements.  Essie always works well in a team and listens to others.  She shares valuable information learnt and her own personal knowledge of music.  Well done, Essie 

  • Arabella Higgins (34JM) – ‘Be Your Best’ – Arabella always is a most attentive student who listens to the teacher and others with respect.  She has a most positive attitude towards music and performing arts activities and will often lead a group or share her talents with us.  Arabella is an amazing rapper!  Well done. 

  • Aubrey McKenna (56TD) – ‘Be Your Best’ – Aubrey is to be congratulated for her consistently amazing efforts both in and out of the performing arts classroom.  She is such a talented performer who is keen to help others and bring the best out in people.  Aubrey has worked hard to develop her characterisation lately, especially in regard to the school production auditions.  She was the most prepared for her audition in every area and listened to the requirements I had in regard to providing music, what to rehearse and how to conduct yourself in an audition room.  Congratulations. 


  • Maxi Carter (56TD) – ‘Be Your Best’ for participating positively in the physical testing challenges in PE.  You scored some great results and worked well within your group.  

  • Nell Stoltz (34JM) – ‘Be Your Best’ for coming to PE with a great attitude and participating in all activities enthusiastically.  You always want to learn new skills and challenge yourself.  

  • Maddison Williams (12GM) – ‘Be Your Best’ for listening to the instructions in PE and playing games fairly.  You are willing to try new things and always offer to help put equipment away.  

  • Sullivan Heard (FBW) – ‘Be Your Best’ for playing games in PE in a positive and enjoyable manner. You have shown great movement skills and understand the rules in games well. Well done Sully.  

Happy Birthday

We wish many happy returns to all March birthdays - Emily Tully (34LB), Sidney Higgins (12ZH), Marcus Marasco (34RP), Archer Griffin (56TD), Easton McKenry (12ZH), Jimmi Williams (34LB), Ellie Dudley (FSC), Ella Kingdon (34RP), Aubrey McKenna (56TD), Mia McGregor (34LB), Ash Dunlop (34JM), Xavier McCormick (FBW), Ava Stergiadis (34JM), Mollie Terry (56NW), Delilah Perera (12LD), Henry Beck (56TD), Asha Douglas (34JM), Pippa Trollope (12LD), Maxi Carter (34JM), Grace Hogan (34JM), Hunter Northey (56TD), Annabelle Maiai (56TD), Elijah Gollan (34LB) and Elsie Ludeman (34LB)


We also wish Mrs Perry, Mrs Lever and Mr Barrett a happy day.


Hats on at St Joseph's - Reminder

“Hats On!” at St Joseph’s - At St Joseph’s Primary School, our SunSmart Policy notes that all children will be required to wear school broad brimmed hats from ‘Hats On Day’- September 1 to ‘Hats Off Day’ - May 1 whenever they are outside including sports lessons. However, if the UV is 3 or above it is recommended hats be worn for protection.  Children without hats will be required to remain in the outdoor eating area (green tables) at all times – ‘NO HAT, NO PLAY’ policy will be enforced.