Achievement Awards

The following awards will be handed out at this week's assembly. Our assemblies are held on a Friday afternoon at 3pm in the John Curtin Building, all parents and carers are welcome!


2/3SS - Oskar M - For helping others in our classroom during computer time.

2/3SS - Mia D - For working well in class and trying her best to complete her work.

3/4AB - Aria M - For wonderful focus in all class activities.

3/4AB - William D - For excellent communication and great work.

3/4ABE - Isaac M - For persisting with his maths, even when it was challenging.

3/4ABE - Will S - For showing creativity in his Inquiry Project.

5/6VW - Rory L - For enthusiastically participating in all class activities.

5/6VW - Maggie M - For completing work to a high standard.



Harry H – Mitchell – for awesome maths 

Dion S – Hume - for collecting a whole bag of rubbish