Important Dates

Parents and carers are reminded to regularly log on to the Compass parent portal to provide consent for any events involving your child/ren. Please contact your campus office if you are unable to access Compass. 


Staff Professional Development Day (no classes)

Wednesday 19th February


Year 12 VCE Media Excursion

Thursday 20th February


Rugby League U16 Storm Cup - Round 2

Friday 21st February


Year 7-9 Student Success Evening 5.30-6.30pm in C Block

Monday 24th February

Year 7-9 Students and their families are invited to attend this event at the Junior Campus to gain a deeper understanding of how to best succeed in their schooling. Parents will be given strategies on how to best support their child including binder organisation, motivation techniques, stress management, common issues and how to overcome them, information about good study habits and the difference between homework and study.


VCE Biology Excursion

Tuesday 25th February


School Photos Catch-up (Junior and Senior Campuses) and Year 12 Group Photo (period 1)

Wednesday 26th February


Rugby League U16 Storm Cup - Round 3

Thursday 27th February


Year 7 Cybersafety Incursions

Thursday 6th and Friday 7th March


Year 9 Enrichment Excursions

Thursday 6th March

Parents are required to provide consent and payment via Compass. Each student will have details of their event on their timetable.


Rugby League U16 Storm Cup - Round 4

Thursday 6th March


VCE Extended Investigation Excursion - VCE Season of Excellence Top Talks

Friday 7th March


Labour Day Public Holiday (school closed)

Monday 10th March 


Year 7 & 9 NAPLAN Testing begins

Wednesday 12th March 


Whole School Athletics Carnival

Friday 28th March

Parents/carers are required to provide consent and $20 payment via Compass by Thursday 20th March. CSEF can be used for this event if eligible - please contact the office. 


To view a full calendar, please click here