P & F News 

On Sunday, St. Fidelis was lucky enough to run a Bunnings BBQ to help raise funds for our school. Although it was a wet and cold start to the day, it turned out to be extremely successful. A huge thank you to Ashley W and Josie P who led this event as well all our volunteers who took time out of their weekend to help. We would also like to thank our wonderful families who came down to say Hi! Your support is truly appreciated. 

We are very pleased to announce this event raised an amazing total of $2688.98. 

Upcoming Events 

Icy Pole Friday – every Friday for only $1 each

2nd Hand Uniform Stall – This Friday 21st Feb 

St. Fidelis Community Fete Day – Sunday 23rd March, 12pm – 4pm

Second-Hand Uniform Stall 

Our first Second-Hand Uniform Stall for this year will be held on Friday, 21st February, at 3pm in the staffroom. 

**Note** – EFT will now be available.

St. Fidelis' Community Fete Day

Save the date – on Sunday 23rd March from 11:30am – 4pm, we are hosting a Community Open Day. Like the event we ran in 2024, there will be food, drinks, market stalls, children’s activities, school tours and much more. 


Closer to the day, we may ask for some parent assistance to run specific activities, such as the BBQ, so please pencil this date into your planners.


Our 2024 likewise event was very successful. It provided the school with ample funds, but most importantly, it brought together our school community, along with our extended community, with so much fun and positivity.


The P&F committee are looking forward to hosting this event; please reach out if you would like to assist, if you have a stall you would like to run or if you are able to source donations for our raffle. Many thanks!


THANK YOU for taking the time to stay updated on the P & F NEWS!
