What's happening in our learning spaces? 




Lachlan - For always speaking politely to your teacher and classmates. Your manners are just amazing Lachlan. What a STAR you are!



Herb - For demonstrating resilience and positivity each day as you began your first year of school. Well done Herb!



Marissa - For starting her first year of school with enthusiasm, a positive attitude and a fantastic commitment to demonstrating our school Agreed Ways. Keep it up Marvelous Marissa!



Lincoln - For being a wonderful role model to your peers. 

You have demonstrated how to be responsible and respectful in our learning community. Keep it up! 



Angus - For leading by example by following the Agreed Ways and school routines. A fantastic start to the year! Amazing Angus!



Bridget - For transitioning into your new classroom beautifully  and modelling how to be an independent learner. Keep up the fantastic work! 



Daniel - For demonstrating great progress in becoming an independent reader. Well done Daniel!



Vivienne - For being a confident learner who approaches all learning with a positive attitude. Keep shining!



Asha - For her kindness, inclusivity, and dedication as both a friend and a learner. Your warmth and positivity brightens our class each day and we’re so lucky to have you. Amazing, Asha!



Jeevan - For being a great contributor in class discussions and being a good role model in demonstrating the Agreed Ways in our classroom, well done Jeevan!



Jasmine - For being a persistent learner when interpreting dot plots. Your confidence when sharing was remarkable!



Nick - For his active engagement with the class novel and insightful contributions by sharing his predictions about the story.


Today marks Day 10 as we count towards 100 Days of School! We are becoming more familiar with the morning routines and the Foundation teachers are very impressed with how we are all embracing the routines of school. 


As learners, during Literacy last week, we were introduced to the Colourful Semantic cards of ‘Who’, ‘What doing’ and ‘Where’. These cards were used while reading big books such as Mrs Wishy Washy, This is the Bear, and Mrs Wishy Washy Music. The Colourful Semantic cards have enabled us to identify the characters within the text, what the characters were doing in the text and where the story was set. As thinkers,   we used illustrations to record our thinking and show our understanding. 

As mathematicians, we have been exploring patterns. Using blocks and counters, we discovered that a colour pattern of two or three parts needs to be repeated in order to create a pattern. We have been able to identify the unit of repeat and to continue a pattern that has been started for us. So much fun has taken place as we created different patterns. Check out what has been achieved in last week's numeracy sessions!

A couple of reminders:

  • Please remember to return Library bags and borrowed books each Thursday for borrowing on Fridays
  • Zooper Doopers are sold for $1 each Friday
  • Please return Buddy Mass return slips to your child’s teacher
  • Please remember to check your child’s Green Folder regularly and to ensure it is sent to school each day

Wishing everyone a great week!


Foundation Team, 

Leanne Wenckowski, Alycia Marsico, and Olivia Sargent 



What a wonderful week of learning it has been! This week marked the beginning of SMART spelling. As writers, we have learnt how to use Sound Circles to identify the different sounds in each of our spelling words. We want to thank all parents for supporting the children to write their spelling words each night. We hope to maintain this process throughout the year! 

As mathematicians, we have been engaging in rocket counting to practice counting forwards and backwards from various starting points. Throughout the week, we have been presented with many counters and asked to find the most efficient way to count all of the counters. As thinkers, we noticed that counting by 10 is an efficient way to identify the total number of counters. 

As people of faith, we had the opportunity to gather with students from the learning space next to us to participate in prayer together. During the week, we wrote our own prayers of the faithful, and each week, we will share these during this special prayer time. 

As part of the Resilience Project, we have continued to focus on our emotional literacy. Last week, we noticed, named and unpacked different emotions. We talked about how we can feel lots of emotions throughout the day, and this is okay! We then got creative and designed a spinning wheel that had lots of emotions that we could act out. 

Last week, we ended the week learning how to play hockey. We had lots of fun practising skills like dribbling safely, stopping a rolling ball and keeping our feet together like penguins. We also enjoyed participating in games like Octopus and Red Light, Green Light! 

Vania Sparano, Vivian Boggis, Nadia Ascenzo & Chloe Wang

1/2 Team


We are excited to introduce a new approach to spelling in Years 3 and 4 - The Smart Spelling Approach! This innovative method is designed to make learning spelling more engaging, interactive, and effective for our students. In week 3, our focus was on the digraph /er/ making the sound ‘er’ as in fern. In week 4, our focus will be the digraph /oi,/ making the sound “oi” as in coin. 

As mathematicians, we are learning to read, write and represent numbers. We created 3-digit, 4-digit, 5-digit, and even 6-digit numbers in our learning spaces. We recorded these numbers in the correct place value houses and accurately read out the numbers to our partner. 

As members of a faith community, we tuned into Prayer. We discussed who we pray to, where, and why we might pray. We shared our ideas together and collated common themes to help us construct our class prayer. 

As athletes, we participated in a Hockey Victoria clinic on Friday. The instructors taught us how to hold a hockey stick correctly, how to get into a ‘hockey ready’ position and how to dribble using the hockey stick and ball. Our favourite part of the session was playing Red Light Green Light!

Home Learning

A friendly reminder that, as well as daily reading, a spelling sheet has been sent home for home learning along with math tasks. The spelling sheet will be changed each week, and new homework sheets will be provided every fortnight in their home learning books.



Tuesday 18 February - 3/4BP & 1/2VS Class Mass 9:15am

Thursday, 20 February - Water Watchers Incursion 

Monday 24 February - Life-Saving Victoria Excursion 


Have a great week!


Year 3/4 Teachers,

Belinda Panzarino & Sarah Hogan


This week we began to explore our new SMART Spelling program, this is where each week we focus on different letter sounds. This week we explored the digraph /ea/ making the sound “e” as in beach, this will be the focus for one week in the classroom and at home. 

We are all officially captivated with our first novel study of the year, “A Ghost in my Suitcase” written by Gabrielle Wang. We encourage you to ask your child about what they have read so far, who the characters are and where they are in the story.


Within our mathematical thinking we have been exploring data representation, this is where we have been interpreting dot plots and ways we can represent data. We will continue to interpret and represent data this week using our mathematical thinking. 


On Friday, we also had the opportunity to help our Foundation buddies at STEM. We assisted them in coding and giving instructions to the B-Bots, guiding them to navigate around a map.  It was great to be a part of their learning experience, they were all so engaged and being able to see their curiosity and excitement grow. They were having so much fun, and we’re already looking forward to the next opportunity to collaborate with them again!

Home Learning

As we have mentioned Home Learning is currently being reviewed, for the time being children will receive their spelling words weekly (Monday) and will be asked to practice their spelling words daily at home. We will continue to keep you updated on how our Home Learning will evolve throughout the year. 


Important Dates: 


  • Friday February 21st 5/6MC Assembly 
  • Friday, February 21st, Round 1 - Interschool Sports (HOME GAME)
  • Friday, February 28th, Round 2 - Interschool Sports


  • Friday, March 7t,h Round 3 - Interschool Sports
  • Frida,y March 14t,h Round 4 - Interschool Sports
    • Tuesday, March 18th School Photo Day
    • Frida,y March 21st, Round 5 - Interschool Sports
    • Tuesday, March 25th, 5/6ZK The Huddle Game Day Excursion
    • Thursday, March 27th, 5/6NT The Huddle Game Day Excursion
  • Monday, March 31st, 5/6MC The Huddle Game Day Excursion


  • Sunday 10th August 3 pm Confirmation

5/6 Team, 

Bianka Zorzut, Vicky Karalis, Maddie Comrie and Nick Tresize