Student Engagement
Bianka, Vicky & Vira
Student Engagement
Bianka, Vicky & Vira
Welcome everyone, Vicky and Bianka here.
We are thrilled to be the Wellbeing Leaders at St Fidelis this year. In our newsletters, you'll find updates about what's happening in the school's Well-being area.
Last week, Vicky spoke with all the Foundation and 1/2 Classes to gain students' voices about what students would like to see in our new and exciting Play Bays in Saunders Yard. These will be constructed with the children and teachers.
Bianka had the opportunity to discuss lunchtime clubs with the Year 3/4 and 5/6 classes about what they would like to see them looking like.
Students brainstormed some amazing ideas about the following questions:
Stay tuned for more updates on our play spaces and lunchtime clubs! We are ensuring that we involve and empower students to help us shape the decisions about the lunchtime clubs and play areas in our school.
Have a wonderful week!
Bianka Zorzut and Vicky Karalis