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Before and After School Supervision Parent Notification 

Student safety at Carlton North Primary School is our highest priority and the safe and appropriate supervision of students is an important element of our duty of care to students. Part of this duty is ensuring parents and students are aware of our student supervision arrangements before and after school. 

Before school: School grounds are supervised from 8:45am on the O’Grady Street side of the school. 

After school: School grounds are supervised until 3:45pm.

Students on school grounds outside these times will not be supervised (unless they are attending a before or after school care program or supervised extracurricular activity). 

Parents/carers are requested to ensure that students do not attend school outside of these supervised times unless they are attending before or after school care, or a pre-arranged supervised activity (i.e. sports practice). 


Families are encouraged to contact the school on (03) 9347-4822 or refer to for more information about the before and after school care facilities available to our school community or if you would like any further information about our student supervision arrangements.


For a copy of our school’s Yard Duty and Supervision Policy, parents/carers can access a copy of the full policy on the school website or by contacting the school office. This policy includes Carlton North Primary School’s student supervision arrangements across the school day, including before and after school.


Yard Zones

This week, teachers will be talking with their classes about the yard zones that were implemented last year. The yard is divided into active and quiet zones to accommodate different types of play and noise levels as seen in the map below. These fantastic maps were designed by Ingrid, mum of Finella and Cate, and will be on display in all classrooms and around the school yard. Please familiarise yourself with the yard zones and talk with your child/ren about these.   

Lunch Clubs

We have a few lunch clubs this term. All welcome! Apart from Chess, which is a paid activity, all these clubs are casual and there will be a loud speaker announcement to invite everyone. 


Monday- Chess Club ( see flyer below)

Monday - Art Club with Olivia 

Tuesday - Yoga with Millie 

Thursday - Dungeons and Dragons Club with Timea, a CNPS parent

Wed-Fri - The library will be open at lunchtime on theses days. Kim will announce when it is open!