Message from the Principal Team

Week 1&2 Term 1 2025 


Dear CNPS Families, 

Welcome back to Carlton North Primary School for the 2025 academic year. What a tremendous start (albeit warm) we have had to Term 1. I have thoroughly enjoyed connecting with our new and returning students and hearing from staff members (also new and returning) about how the students have settled into the new year. 2025 is going to be a big year in the life of CNPS. I am feeling positive and optimistic about the year ahead. Not only will we continue to focus on student learning and wellbeing, but of course, we have the building modernisation and upgrade getting underway later this year. 


2025 CNPS Staff

Education Support Staff

Administration – Gaby Shortis and Janai Sheldon

Student/Classroom Support – Cassie Harvey, Nicole Higgins, Hasith Jayawardana, Sarah Morgan, Deb Muscat and Amanda Rocci

Library Technician – Kim Best 

ICT Technician – Arthur Ho

Teaching Staff 


P.E – Chris Atkins 

Italian – Dean Banova and Olivia Devitre

STEM – Carla Maxwell 

The Arts – Olivia Devitre 

MiniLit (Intervention) – Julia John


Grace Hicks (PLC Leader), Sophie Lawrenson and Millie Holden

Year 1/2 

Brendan Opray (PLC Leader), Rosa Considine, Sam Guerra and Ruby Dong

Year 3/4 

James Barnard (PLC Leader), Sophie Hooker, Maddi Davis, Carlye Sinclair and Olivia DiCello 

Year 5/6 

Kara Ainsworth (PLC Leader), Jesse Tatterson and Angus Moller 

Leadership Team 

Principal – Matthew Ferguson 

Assistant Principal/s – Jane Bilby and Erin Brown

Learning Specialist – Maddi Davis  

Business Manager – Trish Harrington 

2025 Newsletter

This year the newsletter will be moving to a fortnightly edition. Every even week during the school term (on a Thursday), the newsletter will be published. All parents/carers are encouraged to view the Compass calendar and newsfeed notifications for up to date information pertaining to individual classes/year levels and whole school events. 


Building Maintenance / Modernisation and Building Upgrade Project 

This year promises to see many important building maintenance projects (primarily the karawun and marnerlong buildings roofs) alongside the much anticipated modernisation and building upgrade. Over the coming weeks and months, the buildings and grounds sub-committee of school council will meet to discuss these important projects. Internally we have already begun a working group (leadership team and other key stakeholders) to discuss changes to operations and planning for the movement of two year 5/6 classrooms, Library and administration during the modernisation. The newsletter will be a vital communication tool (alongside Compass newsfeed notifications) during the building works. Can I please thank Matthew Browne (CNPS grounds and maintenance officer), for his diligent work over the school holidays in attending to the grounds and maintenance tasks. 


School Council 

Nominations for school council will open on Tuesday 25 February 2025 at 8am and close on Monday 3 March 2025 at 4pm. Nomination forms will be available (from 25/2/25) for collection at the front office. Once all nominations are received, CNPS will advise of the need for elections. Please look out for more information regarding this process via Compass newsfeed notifications. 


2025 Student Free Days

Remaining student free days for 2025:

Term 2

  • Friday 6 June 2025 (Assessment and Reporting) 

Term 4

  • Monday 6 October 2025 (Professional Practice Day)
  • Monday 3 November 2025 (Assessment and Reporting)



Regular attendance at school is essential to support the learning, wellbeing and safety of children and young people. CNPS works hard to support student attendance. Recording accurate attendance of students on a daily basis is essential. A reminder to the community that school starts promptly each day at 9am. Supervision of students on-site at CNPS commences at 8.45am each school day.

Change of Procedure:  CNPS is implementing a new procedure for any student who arrives to school between 9am – 9.10am. Students arriving at this time, are asked to go straight to the classroom where teachers will update the 9am (morning) roll. Any student who arrives after 9.10am, will need to go to the office to sign-in.  The Compass Kiosk is available at the office counter for parents to sign their child in. Students arriving at the office without their parent will be signed in by our Admin team. This change in morning procedure will assist CNPS in recording accurate attendance information. Parents/carers are reminded to record any student absence (medical, parent choice etc) on Compass. 



Thunderstorm Asthma Season

There is an increased risk of seasonal asthma, hay fever and epidemic thunderstorm asthma during seasons with increased grass pollen levels.  People with a history of asthma, undiagnosed asthma or hay fever are at risk under these conditions. This risk is increased further for people who have poorly treated hay fever and asthma.

The best way to reduce and prevent symptoms of asthma or hay fever and reduce absences from school is to follow an up-to-date asthma action plan or hay fever treatment plan, provided by a GP or specialist.


Year 3-6 Swimming Carnival 

The CNPS sports program kicks off with the Carlton North Primary School Swimming Carnival, which will be held on Thursday, 20th of February 2025 at the Fitzroy Pool, Alexandra Parade starting at 10am. We will be requiring the students to leave school promptly at 9am with enough time to arrive for events at 9.40am.The school swimming carnival provides an excellent opportunity for all children to participate and compete in an event that suits their own preferences and competence. The 25 metre events allow children to experience competing in a swimming carnival. We cater for all abilities of swimmers in this event as we will start in the shallow water with an adult assisting in every lane. There is also an option of using a flotation device, such as a noodle or kick board if needed. The 50 metre events act as qualifying ‘events’ for children wishing to compete later in the Carlton District Swimming Carnival (27th of Feb) with the VPSSA Regional and State Carnivals held toward the end of Term 1 and start of Term 2.

If you have any questions regarding the swimming carnival (including wishing to discuss your child/ren swimming ability) please make contact with Chris. 



As we commence the new school year and the summer sun continues to shine, it is important that students have a hat to wear during recess and lunch. If you would like to purchase a hat, please contact the office. We also ask that families ensure students apply sunscreen at home before attending school. We do have some sunscreen supplies at school should students need to reapply during the day. 


School – Home Partnership 

The hallmark of a strong school-home partnership is open and respectful dialogue, that embodies the school values.  Please feel free to reach out to Jane, Erin, Trish or I should you have any questions or queries as the year progresses. 

Looking forward to a big year at CNPS! 


Warm Regards,

Matthew Ferguson
