Environment and Sustainability Committee

Biodiversity Learning Story
Here at Kambrya College, we have been working on our Biodiversity across our campus, in our curriculum, and through our school community. As part of this work, we have been identifying how we maintain biodiversity, and what impacts we have on our environment. This includes not just the impact on our local area but globally as well.
By working on ResourceSmart Schools our students were able to lead a biodiversity audit, and demonstrate leadership by helping create change. Our Year 10 Environment of the Earth class conducted this audit in Semester 1 last year, and presented their findings in a formal report that has been shared with our Business Manager.
Students measuring tree heights.
Students recording biodiversity data.
Eva identifying native and exotic shrubs around school.
Our teaching staff have also been learning how to be more sustainable in their classrooms. Teachers have been embedding learning activities around Biodiversity to help students understand the many ways we can reduce our impact at school and at home. For example, the Year 9 Darrabi class continued their work with the school’s veggie garden.
Darrabi veggie garden.
As we have a variety of students and teachers who work on sustainability, each has taken on different duties relating to our Biodiversity goals and thinking about what these might be. We have a greater understanding of Kambrya’s biodiversity now, and clearer goals to improve in the future. Students of the Environment of the Earth class found that increasing habitats for wildlife, such as rocks and logs, along with understory shrubs will greatly improve our biodiversity at Kambrya. We plan to implement these changes to positively impact the environment in 2025. We look forward to regularly reporting our results to our school community.
Our school continues to support our students and our community to understand the importance of a healthy and sustainable environment. We are excited to see how our school continues to reduce its impact as well as progress in ResourceSmart Schools!
Miss Rindel
Environmental Science Teacher
Environment and Sustainability Coordinator
Recycling bins are placed around the school for special items that have a more difficult way to recycle. Namely, pens and batteries. They have some specific locations around the school and we as a committee are working to put out more bins as soon as we can. If you go to the bins, they also have the rules on what can be placed in there alongside what will be done with them. Briefly, they will be taken to Officeworks and they will safely recycle them.
Currently, this are how they are distributed:
A pen and battery recycling bin in new senior building in front of Senior 5 and the staff office.
A pen and battery recycling bin in the Bulen Bulen building next to the Student Voice Box on the table outside of the staff office (near the Hair and Beauty Salon).
A pen and battery recycling bin in the Gwonawa building directly in front of the staff office.
A pen recycling bin in the Warin staff office (just ask the teachers if you want to place a pen in the bin, they'll be more than happy to help).