School-wide Positive Behaviour Support
School-wide Positive Behaviour Support
The ‘School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support’ (S.W.P.B.S.) system is an evidence-based practice designed to facilitate a positive and orderly learning environment. The purpose of the S.W.P.B.S. is to see the education and development of emotional, social and academic growth to maximise the potential of all students.
At Kambrya College, we have introduced S.W.P.B.S. as an extension of the core values that we aim to instil in our students. Values of ‘Achievement’, ‘Compassion’, ‘Integrity’ and ‘Respect’ are paramount to our teachings at school with each of our Sub-Schools being aligned to one value. The S.W.P.B.S. model has expanded upon and identified specific behaviours that reflect each value across the school community. From in class behaviour, to waiting in line at the canteen, modelling and acknowledgement of positive behaviours helps instil the four values into everyday life.
Through the work of S.W.P.B.S., we have established positive learning environments that are conducive of academic success. The S.W.P.B.S. model is designed to reduce both the severity and rate of non-compliant behaviour in class and in the yard, by clearly identifying school rules and expectations for all students. These expectations are clearly outlined in the recently updated S.W.P.B.S. matrix for 2025 that is displayed in every classroom, and from which teachers base their reminders, their taught lessons and use for praise and acknowledgement. There has also been a big focus on entry exit routines to further reinforce classroom expectations.