Literacy News

Writing continues to be a school focus across all year levels. When Narissa Leung spent a day with our staff, she worked thoroughly on the trait of ‘sentence fluency’ which we have since used as our focus in the classroom this term. 


It is such a thrill to walk into a classroom at SKiPPS and have so many students ask if they can show me their writing. 


The Year 3/4s have spent the last couple of weeks experimenting with verbs and adverbs at the beginning of their sentences.  


I am thrilled to share some of their opening sentences for their camp responses with you today. 


Excitedly I raced to school, my suitcase was tumbling down the hill. When I got to school the bus was roaring its motor ready to leave for Camp Manyung.

Jake 3/4J


I slumped down on my bus seat, grabbed my note book and started to talk to my bus partner about what to do on the Monday morning trip to Camp Manyung.

Olive 3/4 J


Excitedly, I watched the bus roar through the gate, we were finally there, Camp Manyung!

Jaspar 3/4J


The bus roared through the gates, everyone cheered we were there, Camp Manyung!

Archie 3/4J


The Traits provides teachers with Key Qualities, this allows teachers to conference with students individually and provide them with a goal that is particularly in line with what they need to continue to improve their writing. Here you will see the Key Qualities for Sentence Fluency.

Jacqueline Morphy

Leading Teacher
