
Welcome to 2024
Below is some information about attendance and what you need to do if your child is away from school or you are planning to travel during the school term. Regular attendance is just one way that you can ensure your child settles into school routines, keeps up with academic expectations and develops social connections with their peers.
At Boambee we run an attendance competition. Each fortnight the class that has the best attendance wins a prize. The goal is to have all students at school greater than 90% of the time. Missing more than 1 day a fortnight drops them below 90% attendance.
Explaining Absences
On occasion, your child may need to be absent from school. Although we are encouraging regular attendance, please do not send your child to school if they are sick. Justified reasons for student absences may include:
- being sick, or having an infectious disease
- having an unavoidable medical appointment
- being required to attend a recognised religious holiday
- exceptional or urgent family circumstance (e.g. attending a funeral)
It is a requirement that you provide a reason explaining why your child is away. If your child is away from school please let the school or their teacher know. This can be done through Seesaw, email, letter, calling the school or by replying to the SMS messages that are sent out. Parents are required to explain the absences of their children from school promptly and within seven days to the school. If an absence is not explained it is recorded as 'Unjustified' on the school roll.
Families are encouraged to travel during school holidays. If travel during school term is necessary, discuss this with your child’s school principal. An Application for Extended Leave wil need to be completed for anymore than 5 days leave.