Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Focus
Being a Safe, Respectful, Resilient, Learner at Boambee Public School
Students have had a positive start to the year exhibiting our school values of being Safe, Respectful, Resilient and a Learner. We have been revisiting our school zones and the correct areas to be in during the school day.
In the morning, K-2 students head to the top COLA, Stage 2 students head to the bottom COLA and Stage 3 students are to put their bags at their class before heading to the bottom COLA.
To begin the year at Boambee Public School we always revisit this lesson with our classes. With so many new students, it is important our school values and language are clearly communicated. We ensure that all students have been clearly taught our schools standards and expectations for behaviour in the class and on the playground. This lesson is delivered to all students in the school by both teachers and Stage 3 students.
Students who are observed displaying positive behaviours are provided with feedback from staff through Nunguu tickets. Nunguus go into class and assembly draws where students might be drawn out and receive a reward.
Students can also receive positive feedback via "Sentral", our school administrative system. Sentral is where we record behaviours. Our teachers are exceptional at focusing on the positives and last year we had 6460 positive entries for student behaviour. Our consciousness and purposeful focus on good behaviour has a positive flow on effect throughout our school and is one of the reasons why Boambee Public School is a joyful, productive and safe learning environment. Below are some screenshots of the the current lesson for your awareness.