Principal's Report

Principal's Message
Welcome back for 2024!
I am so pleased to welcome everyone back for 2024, with a special welcome to our new kindy students and families. You will love being part of the Boambee Public School community. We are blessed to have such wonderful teachers, students and families at Boambee. Every class teacher at Boambee has proven, successful experience within our school. Having this stability means that we are several steps ahead to start the year. Our staff already know our systems, processes and routines which gives your children the best start to the year.
Our students have made a great start to the year. Even though we have so many new faces at our school, our students were quickly into routine and learning. In particular, I want to thank our student buddies who enabled much of this success. With so many kindy enrolments and new students, there are a lot of children giving up their lunchtime play and looking out for other people on the playground. Thank you buddies!
Kindy Week 1
Our 3 new kindy classes had their first week of school last week, and it was clear that all our hard work last year with orientation sessions enabled great success. It is such a huge week for everyone involved and it was a pleasure to see them all walking out to greet their families with big smiles on their faces on Friday afternoon. Congratulations to all of the staff and families for the support you gave your children and our school, this learning partnership is crucial to our success. Whilst the children were exhausted on Friday afternoon, so were our wonderful kindy staff, having supported 20+ kindy students in each class through their very first week of formal school is an enormous task, they did a wonderful job!
House Captains and Student Representative Council (SRC) Badge Ceremony
On Friday last week we held our badge ceremony for these student leaders, with many proud families present for the ceremony. Our student leaders publicly committed to their leadership roles and I am confident they will fulfill their pledges with effort and care. Congratulations to our 2024 school leaders, I am looking forward to working with you in 2024.
This badge ceremony was also the very fist Assembly that our school captains run for the year, and they nailed it!
Boambee Public School Choir
Congratulations to Mrs Sciortino and the Boambee Public School Choir! After sending in their audition, our choir has once again been successful in being selected to perform at the Opera House in August this year. Looking forward to seeing you perform again on the big stage.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.