Faith Formation and Mission

“Find new ways to spread the word of God to every corner of the world”
Pope Francis
Dearest Marian Community,
What a year 2023 has been!
This we looked to build upon the concept of love within our community and seek ways to demonstrate to all what it means to live the Marian way. The teaching we used as inspiration was from the Holy Spirit and we aimed to spread this within our community according to the Lord's commandment for us to "live a life of love" (Ephesians 5:2). I truly believe that throughout the year, Marian Catholic College has experienced this and has helped others in our wider community to experience this as well. We look to the teachings of Aristotle and the concept of happiness. In order to seek happiness, we must look to help those around us flourish if we are to truly experience the meaning of eternal happiness (Eudaimonia).
At the beginning of the year, our College embarked on its mission to demonstrate compassion for communities around the world who are suffering and living in poverty through donating to Caritas - Project Compassion. The challenge that was set aligned itself with the 2023 mission statement from Project Compassion “For All Future Generations”. As a College community, we raised a substantial amount of donations and again like year the College demonstrated its compassionate spirit. This was a fantastic way for our College to demonstrate the generous nature of our community and the compassionate culture we were beginning to build.
Term 2 saw the I-Care Kits as our major College service project. By the end of collections, we were able to put together over 50 kits of necessary personal items that went to those in most need within our community. The Linking Communities Network were able to distribute the I-Care kits we created to support those who they were able to identify as being the most desperate in our local community. As a College, we continued to work hard in our commitment to service and reconnect with our community through Carevan, as well as the funds and awareness raised with the Marian Biggest Morning Tea. Our staff also had the opportunity to engage with our annual Spirituality Day. The aim of our Spirituality Day was to explore how all Christians are called to grow together in unity and mission and demonstrated kindness.
Term 3 saw the implementation of our mission project called The Kindness Project. The project was aimed to encourage students and staff members to demonstrate kindness to all whom they encounter. By demonstrating a random act of kindness, we would be putting into action the commandment of loving your neighbour. In 2024 we look to again build on this and demonstrate our spirit of kindness for all of God's creation.
World Youth Day Recap
As Pope Benedict XVI defined pilgrimage:
"To go on pilgrimage really means to step out of ourselves in order to encounter God
where He has revealed Himself”.
Israel provided us with the opportunity to watch the Gospels come alive, as we set out on the pilgrimage of faith, we had the opportunity to retrace the progressive stages of the life and time of Jesus from his Nativity in Bethlehem to his Passion on Calvary. It was deeply moving as we beheld with our eyes what our minds for so long attempted to imagine.
The Israel pilgrimage highlights included:
- Paying homage in Bethlehem before the silver star that marks the very spot of Jesus’ birth
- Reflecting quietly at the Grotto cave of the Annunciation to honour Mary’s ‘Yes’ to God.
- Celebrating a breathtaking Mass in the centre of Lake Galilee onboard our traditional sailing vessel floating in silence and tranquillity.
- Engaging in inspired People & Plight encounters and be moved by their faith and resilience.
- Walking a hidden stretch of the authentic Jesus Trail through the mountain pass in Christ’s actual footsteps towards Lake Galilee.
- Entering as a group into a private gated Garden in Gethsemane for an extended time of prayer amidst ancient olive trees.
- Walking in Jesus’ footsteps as we pray the Stations of the Cross at dawn along the deserted Via Dolorosa streets in the Old City of Jerusalem.
- Bowing low at the altar of Calvary and touch the very rock where Jesus was crucified.
- Gathering for daily Masses around the most stunning Holy Sites of Sacred Scripture.
orld Youth Day presented us with the bible quote (Mary arose and went with haste - Lk1:39) chosen by Pope Francis as the motto of the World Youth Day that was held for the first time in the capital city of Lisbon, Portugal. The biblical phrase (a quote from the Gospel of St. Luke) opens the account of the Visitation (Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth), a biblical episode following the Annunciation (the angel’s announcement to Mary that she would be the mother of the Son of God, and the theme of the last WYD, in Panama).
During their conversation of the Annunciation, the angel also tells Mary that her older cousin, thought to be sterile, is pregnant. After affirming to the angel ” Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word ” (Lk 1:38), it is then that Mary sets out for Ain Karim, a village near Jerusalem where Elizabeth lived and was awaiting the birth of John, who would become Saint John the Baptist.
Mary of Nazareth is the great figure of the Christian journey. She teaches us to say yes to God. She was the protagonist of the last edition of WYD and will be so once again in Lisbon.
In the biblical episode of the Visitation, the action of standing up presents Mary as both a woman of charity and a missionary woman. Leaving in haste represents the attitude depicted in Pope Francis’ indications for WYD Lisbon 2023: may young people’s evangelisation be active and missionary, for this is how they will recognize and witness the presence of the living Christ.
Addressing young people in particular, and challenging them to be courageous missionaries, the following was written by the Pope in the Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit: Where does Jesus send us? There are no borders, no limits: he sends us everywhere. The Gospel is for everyone, not just for some (CV 177).
The highlight of the World Youth Day encounter was experiencing Mass with 1.5 million other pilgrims from around the world. I believe that upon reflection of the homily from Pope Francis, the message he has for young people is vitally important for us all.
The first word: to shine, so be radiant; then, listen in order not to take the wrong path; finally the third word: to be unafraid. Do not be afraid. We often find these words in the Bible, in the Gospels: “Do not be afraid”. These were the last words spoken by Jesus to the disciples at the moment of the Transfiguration: “Do not be afraid!” (Mt 17:7).
Pope Francis concluded his homily by stating the following:
As young people, you have experienced these days of joy – I was about to say of glory, and indeed our encounters have been a kind of glory. You have great dreams, but often fear that they may not come true; sometimes you think that you are not up to the challenge, which is a kind of pessimism that can overcome us at times. As young people, you may be tempted at this time to lose heart, to think you fall short, or to disguise your pain with a smile. As young people, you want to change the world – and it is very good that you want to change the world – you want to work for justice and peace. You devote all your life’s energy and creativity to this, but it still seems insufficient. Yet, the Church and the world need you, the young, as much as the earth needs rain. To all of you, dear young people, who are the present and the future, yes to all of you, Jesus now says: “Have no fear”, “Do not be afraid!”.
Now, in a brief moment of silence, each of you repeat these words, in your own heart: “Do not be afraid!”
Dear young people, I would like to look into the eyes of each of you and say: Do not be afraid. I will tell you something else, also very beautiful: it is no longer I, but Jesus himself who is now looking at you. He knows each of your hearts, each of your lives; he knows your joys, your sorrows, your successes and failures. He knows your heart. Today, he says to you, here in Lisbon, at this World Youth Day: “Have no fear, take heart, do not be afraid!”.
Our final leg of the pilgrimage took us to Avila in Spain for our retreat post World Youth Day. The purpose of a spiritual retreat is to contemplate the purpose and motives of the encounters we experienced throughout our time in Israel and Portugal. The retreat was to help us develop an understanding of how we were going to put into practice all that we had learned and experienced. I believe for myself, Ms Polimeni and Miss Kobold this is going to be the most important thing. How we look to share our experiences in order to help create a community of evangelisation and to help students and staff of our Marian community to deepen their connection with faith.
Finally in Term 4, our annual St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hamper appeal was brought to life. We were able to create 40 hampers that will be donated to Saint Vincent de Paul and distributed to those within our community who are in most need. The enthusiasm and compassionate spirit that the staff and students have demonstrated at Marian Catholic College towards this project has been incredible to witness. I am certain that those within our community will deeply appreciate the work we have done to support them during this time. All hampers were presented at our Final College Mass to St Vincent De Paul. My personal thanks are extended to our staff for all their work within Homerooms in promoting and encouraging our students to develop a compassionate and giving spirit. An immense thank you goes out to you, our students and members of our College community for all the work that you have done in order to express and demonstrate love and care for all of God's creation. May we continue to develop this spirit with all our College initiatives in 2023.
This year also saw the implementation of the Marian Catholic College Reconciliation Program. Students from Years 7 to Year 12 had experience learning opportunities within the classroom about the Sacrament of Penance. This was to provide them with a deeper understanding of what it means to undertake the Sacrament. We had a number of students undertake the Sacrament with confidence and sincerity. 2023 saw the implementation of the Understanding Faith at MCC program that presented to students the importance of being a member of a faith community. A clear focus was placed on the Mass and developing students understanding of the importance of the Mass.
Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, 2023 saw the implementation of the Wednesday Morning Mass and the Meditation with Mary sessions. This provided an opportunity for staff and students of the College to encounter their faith and grow in their connection with God,
In 2024, we look to build on the foundations of the program and again look to build upon the successes.
Our Year 12 Formation Camp was quite a success with 73 students from our current cohort attended the camp which was held at the Warrumbui Conference and Retreat Centre. This camp helps shape the student as a whole person and aims to bring the year group together for their final journey at Marian Catholic College. Students developed an understanding of bringing to life their year group theme of LEAD Together and that by putting their trust in God can they look to LEAD Together. During our reflection, students learned to understand that in all that we do, put God first in our lives, show love to those around us, and accept their gifts, and their differences because only then can we be the light that guides the way to the future. Overall, it was a great experience shared by the students and the Year 12 Homeroom team.
As we continue the acknowledgement of success, our annual celebratory assemblies of Harmony Day and NAIDOC week demonstrated our ability to unite as one and pay respect to the diverse culture at our College and to the traditional custodians of our land. Our commitment to both will be reignited in 2024 with the hope of having a deeper and more meaningful connection within our College and the wider community.
2024 is already shaping itself to be a big year for our College in the space of Evangelisation and Religious Education. Our focus will be on continuing to form a Christ-centred Community, where staff and students will establish an understanding of a shared Catholic worldview.
I hope that you have an incredible break and festive period with your families. May you come back refreshed and ready to take on the journey of the new year with all the opportunities that await us. In all that we do, let us remember to look to the Lord for guidance and comfort and always remember to “Live the Marian Way” through the expression of living by our College motto “The Way, The Truth and The Life”.
Until next year, thank you everyone for making this year a success.
“Best wishes to everyone, so that in the new year, humanity might progress
On the path of fraternity, justice and peace”
Pope Francis
Yours in faith
Mr Abdala
Leader of Faith, Formation and Mission