Principal News

Dr Penny Ludicke

Dear Marian Catholic College Parents and Carers, Staff, Students and Friends,


Marian Catholic College warmly congratulates all of our 2023 HSC students receiving their awards and results this morning!

 Well done also to your  teachers, your families and the staff and friends who have supported you throughout a challenging year to once again excel in your work. 

Congratulations Sienna Andreazza finishing 4th in the State in Human Services!

To our Distinguished Achievers and students of special merit, bravo! Well done! 


An analysis of the overall results has been provided in this newsletter and on our social page which outlines Marian’s overall outstanding performance in this year’s HSC, which includes 35 band 6 results. 


Marian Catholic College this year has achieved its highest results ever and placed 174 in the top 200 schools of the state. 


It is the highest performing school in our system of schools (CEDWW) which is a wonderful testament to the hard work and dedication of all. 


Well done to all. To our students-your work and efforts have come to an amazing harvest. To all teachers-thank you and well done!


Please find below also a copy of the Principal’s closing report which was provided at our final awards ceremony on Tuesday 12th of December.


Principal’s closing report for 2023


To all our invited guests including Father Cyprian, Deputy Director-Mrs Prue Horan, Flight Lieutenant Michael Borg, AAFC CO of 340 Squad, all special guests already mentioned, to our staff, parents and of course students-good morning and welcome.


On behalf of the College I would like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to all of you for attending today and sharing this final awards ceremony with us this morning. I would also like to extend my congratulations to all of our award winners for their achievements and success in academic, sporting, artistic, cultural, spiritual and community endeavours.


The final speech by the Principal at the closing ceremony is an opportunity to summarize the year that has passed, reporting on all major activities . It would be impossible to include everything that has happened in this very busy, highly productive school year.  However, I will give it a go very shortly. But before I do, I want to take a moment to focus on our key purpose as a Catholic school -which provides the foundation and the vision for all that we do. Quite simply, (and this is taken from our own diocesan website) 

Inspired by the message and actions of Jesus Christ, our mission is to inspire the spirits, minds and actions of all, and in doing so foster a community of hope that can confidently and authentically engage in the world of today. 

Marian is a school, like all Catholic schools, founded on a vision and mission. It is inspired by the living example of Jesus, it focuses not only on academic excellence and cultural inclusion but it is founded on hope, grounded in community and it seeks to develop young people who will engage authentically with the world around them Young people who will challenge, lead and care for others, for their community and for the environment.

So this report focuses on the core  themes found in our College mission and vision, that of living the Marian way, emphasizing our founding pillars of  faith, learning, service, care, and stewardship. 

Our first pillar is Faith: 


The school year began with the inauguration mass, blessing the 2023 Student Leaders, and has included  various masses, liturgies and reflections throughout the year , including Ash Wednesday Graduation, Founders Day and the closing Mass yesterday on December 11th. As part of  introducing the Bishop's Charter, Marian Catholic College hosted a Diocesan day presented by CEDWW Director Dr. Andrew Watson, Mrs Prue Horan and members of his leadership team. This day allowed us to explore the contemporary mission of Catholic schools. Staff actively engaged in Spirituality Day and LEAP programs, embracing our Marist charism and working with Marist Australia. Notable events included the Official Opening of the McAuley TAS and Marian Administration centres and formal blessing by The most reverend Bishop Mark Edwards. Here we  reunited with many significant people in Marian’s past and present including previous principals from the Mercy Association. We participated in Project Compassion, Caritas, St Vincent de Paul, and supported Mr Gabriel Abdala, Ms Donna Polimeni and Miss Melissa Kobold to represent the College in Lisbon Portugal  at World Youth Day.


The second pillar is Learning:


Under the leadership of Mr Damien Herb, there has been a strong emphasis on transformative learning experiences aligned with new learning directions from Catholic Education-Diocese of Wagga Wagga. Despite the regional staffing challenges, Marian celebrated excellent 2022 HSC results, continued academic excellence, and achieved above-average 2023 NAPLAN results. 


Collaboration within and between Curriculum and Key Learning Area teams ensured our continued focus on learning and teaching. The learning programs  included additional enrichment such as subject selection sessions, careers and university excursions and support for school-based apprenticeships, taster programs and work experience. The 2023 sporting calendar showcased both the talent of many of our students and also the dedication of their coordinator, the coaches and teaching staff. Chess wins dominated the regional competitions and wonderful musical, dramatic and cultural performances such as Cabaret, participation in A Night to Shine and products and displays from TAS, Hospitality and Visual Arts wowed our audiences and communities. 


Our third pillar is Service:


Marian’s contributions to service extended beyond acknowledging notable events such as Sorry Day and Harmony Day, and included fundraising initiatives and commemoration of Anzac, Legacy, and Remembrance Days. Partnerships, performances, exhibitions and service in the community showcased the talents of CAPA, TAS and Hospitality students and staff. Leadership development among students was evident through the service of our College Captains, Vice Captains, Mission, Faith, Care and Learning and House leaders and prefects, our peer support leaders, numerous house initiatives and the ongoing and exuberant participation of all in community events. Staff continued their outstanding service to this College through organizing and supporting these activities to allow all of our students to shine.


Our fourth pillar is Care:


The Care Van, Study Club, and Mission Prefects, along with student development activities delivered by pastoral leaders, demonstrated the strong focus and  commitment to student wellbeing and our understanding of how belonging and wellbeing contribute to positive student achievement and outcomes. 


Initiatives in the wellbeing and care space have  been numerous, including liaison with Community Police presentations, transition, careers and outreach programs, and graduation activities. Extensive pastoral support, counseling services, and anticipation for our  new whole school Positive Behaviour for Learning Initiative commencing next year reflects the College’s holistic and inclusive approach to student care.


The final Marian pillar is Stewardship:


Key milestones included the opening and use of the Marian Administration Centre and McAuley Centre for Technical and Applied Studies, including the Hospitality wing. Successful transition into the new spaces were complemented by strategic planning for maintenance upgrades and staff professional learning around using the new TAS areas. Ongoing operations and maintenance projects have been occurring behind the scenes to begin the upgrades of some of our older learning areas and indoor and outdoor spaces. Careful financial management, enrolment procedures and a planned and thoughtful approach to fee structures and collections have also been a focus for 2023 to ensure the College’s ability and growth as a strong provider of excellent secondary education in the MIA.

At the close of this year, we bid a sad farewell to the following staff members leaving us: these include Mrs Julie Duncan, Mr James Buckland, Ms Melissa Kobold, Mr Joseph Fry and Mr Geoff O’Connor, and former students Nicholas Sartor and Megan Balind. Taking one year of leave of absence in 2024 is Mr Mel Blanco and we wish him our best during this period. 

On behalf of all of us here, I would like to express our sorrow and condolences to Reverend Father Andrew Grace on the recent loss of his father Mr Tony Grace. We also thank and farewell Reverend Father Cyprian Onurua , Marian College Chaplain Both  Father Grace and Father Cyprian have provided faith leadership, care and concern and pastoral guidance to the College. Both leave for exciting new roles and positions next year in the diocese. Joining us in 2024 will be Father Henry Ebo as Sacred Heart Parish Priest and Father Connor Perry as our College Chaplain.

 I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude on behalf of the College for the contribution of the staff members mentioned for their dedicated work this year.  To all members of the College Advisory Council, including chair Mr Ralph Twaddell and Secretary Mr Anthony Salmon, thank you for your work and support for Marian Catholic College throughout this year. To our Director, Dr Andrew Watson, Deputy Director Prue Horan, System Performance Leader ( Carmel Spry) and all of the team at McAlroy House in Wagga, Marian sends sincere thanks for the support throughout the year. We are a fabulous school but we can’t do it on our own-and as a school, we shine all the brighter thanks to the support of our system leaders and our sister schools.

Finally  I would also like to acknowledge the service of all staff, all leaders and all teams, both teaching and non-teaching in the College. I am especially grateful for the loyalty and service of the MCC  leadership team including Mr Gabriel Abdala, Mr Damien Herb, Mrs Trish Star, Ms Helen Brill,  with very special  thanks going to  Assistant Principal Mrs. Lora Segrave for her exemplary leadership throughout this year and Mrs Julie O’Keeffe for her support in administration.


In conclusion, the year was a testament to the joy, participation, sometimes the trials  and always the enthusiasm of our student body, led by 2023 student leaders Elizabeth Romeo, Lachlan Chant, Jess Moraschi and Charlie O’Sullivan, the Year 12 students of 2023,  and all of our students, Yr 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. 


The learning, engagement and wellbeing of all students could not have been achieved without the strong dedication and collaborative partnerships between home and school, staff and families. 

Now in moving towards Christmas and a well deserved break for all, I thank all of you for your support Marian Catholic College throughout 2023, assisting all in the school to Live the Marian Way

In the words of the Mercy sisters-May the gifts of peace and joy be with you this Christmas and carry you through the New Year. Thank you.