
Kim Weissenburger | Acting Assistant Principal

It has been wonderful to walk around the school and see our Skye students actively engaging in their learning right from the start. As the kids say, the 'vibe' is awesome! 


These first two weeks are some of the most important as they set the tone and expectations in the classroom for the year. You'll see the beautiful displays the students have created as part of our community building, teamwork and 'All About Me' projects.


This week teachers have started our DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Literacy Skills) assessments for students in Years 2-6. Prep and Year 1 stduents will begin these assessments mid-year. DIBELS forms an important part of our Literacy program as it informs teachers 'where to next' using short 1-minute assessments. Depending on the year level, the types of assessments include; letter naming, phonemic awareness, phonics, reading fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. The kids love them, and because they are short teacher time is saved for teaching!


Term 1 Inquiry

Our Inquiry program incorporates 4 broad-based units that run each term. Inquiry learning promotes student wonderings and investigation in areas of interest within the broader topic. Each unit culminates with some form of 'presentation' showing their learning to the class and in open-afternoons. The focus of Term 1's Inquiry for each year level is:

Prep: In our Community

Year 1: Celebrating Difference

Year 2: Growing Older and Wiser

Year 3: Someone Else's Shoes

Year 4: The Game of Life

Year 5: Making Democracy

Year 6: Ethics and Emotions


We look forward to inviting you in throughout the year for various showcases of our Skye student's learning!