Connect: Year 6

Term One 2024 - 6A, 6B & 5/6C

Welcome to 2024!

Hello everybody and a very warm welcome to Grade 6, 2024!  We are so impressed with the way that all of the students have hit the ground running and embraced the challenges of Grade 6. 6A and 6B have moved house into their refurbished classrooms which have the added bonus of being close to their new Prep Buddies while 5/6C are nice and comfortable in the BER building.  Our Grade 6s were tremendous in walking our new Preps into assembly and sitting with them last Friday and modelling to our youngest members of the school how to conduct themselves during the school gathering.  It really hit home what a great school community we have here at Skye Primary when you looked up the front and saw our 6s and Preps sitting together.  Looked a bit cute too!

Important Dates:

*Tuesday 13th February - (3:30 - 5:30pm) Meet the Teacher and Twilight Sports

*Wednesday 14th February - Skye PS Swimming Trials (Students selected by Mr. J) 

*Friday 16th February - Curriculum Day

*Tuesday 27th February - District Swimming (Students selected by Mr. J)

*Friday 1st March - School Photos

*Wednesday 6th March - Optus Digital Thumbprint Workshop Incursion

*Thursday 28th March - House Athletics


What's happening in our classrooms?


THE PRINCESS BRIDE! has been a huge hit with all of our classes having this read to them and it is the central part of our group text study.  The students have been made to swear that they ARE NOT to watch the Movie before we finish the book.  For those of you that know this classic, please ask each night what has been happening in the text as our students cannot get enough of it and want us to read it all day, but unfortunately, we have to do other joyous activities like....Spelling Mastery!




We have started the year revising our number skills, as these are the cornerstone of all of the successes that we will have within the subject of Mathematics.  Please take the opportunity to talk Maths with your children when you are driving them around to and from sport and parties or dragging them around the supermarket.  Get them to add the kilometres, work out the time it takes to get from here to there, how much will it cost for this and that...  The possibilities are endless to keep practising their skills and it helps no end.


I'll leave you with this one....  If a cat and a rabbit weigh 10kg together, and a dog and a rabbit weigh 20kg together and a dog and a cat weigh 24kg together, how much do all three weigh together?




This term students will be inquiring into the topics/themes of ethics and emotions.  Students will consider ethical dilemmas as they learn about the value of honesty, respect and loyalty. They will consider the influence that the media and others have on them, and the impact that being a fan of someone or something has on our identity. Students will write a story that includes a moral and share aspects of their identity during the "Identity Expo".



The topic that we will be focussing on this Term is Stress Mangement.  We all have times where we feel under pressure, but if we can find ways to lessen it, our mental wellbeing is so much better and we function more effectively.  Also, it helps the way that we relate with others around us.  What do you do like to do that helps with your stress management?  Listen to music, read a book, take the dog for a walk?  Personally, I like to watch six games of AFL a weekend during the winter, but my better half doesn't think it helps how I relate with her!  Go figure!


Shout out

The school captains did an incredible job last week at the first assembly for the year. They all spoke with great clarity and confidence. No nerves ins sight!! If you are free on a Friday get your weekend started on the right foot by attending assembly.


See you there!! :) 

Have a great week,

Jenny Kelly, Richard Taberner, Andrew Keenan