A message from David 

Principal's Report

Welcome Back!

School and kinder has been brought back to life with the familiar sounds of laughter and chatter. There’s nothing better than seeing children connect with one another, enjoying the company of their friends and the sense of curiosity that brings with engagement in their learning. A warm welcome to all of our students starting their Box Hill North journey for the very first time. Many new faces brings many new connections and I was most proud of the inclusive approach readily adopted in and out of the classroom to ensure everyone had a positive first start.


Dare to learn’ is our mantra for 2024, encapsulating our quest to inspire curious minds. We will focus on two main goals for the year, including:

  • Optimising student learning outcomes in Mathematics
  • Empowering students to become confident, curious and active learners

Our staff are charged with enthusiasm and responsibility to action these goals to challenge and support all students to their point of need, keeping a balanced approach to continually developing the whole child from an academic, personal and emotional perspective. We look forward to sharing this journey with you.


A further welcome to our new and returning staff who have joined the Box Hill North team, including:

  • Amy McCardle in Kinder
  • Kirti Krishnan in Juniors
  • Laura Lockwood in Middles
  • Kristen Lawrence in Middles
  • Anna Roberds in Seniors

All have been active contributors in the lead up to the start of the 2024 school year and they are sure to bring many strengths to our established team. I know you will help them feel most welcome at Box Hill North.


Connecting Community

Lots of opportunity to be directly involved in the learning experiences of your child in 2024. I come from the personal belief that the more we put in as parents, the more our children will value their education. The African proverb ‘it takes a village’ speaks volumes to the potential we have at our fingertips. Next week, we will celebrate the Chinese New Year with Lion Dance from the Chinese Youth Society, dumplings, calligraphy for key messages and other activities. All members of our community are welcome to be part of this day.


We will also host a Welcome Picnic on Tuesday 20th February. This is an excellent way to reconnect with new and established friendships in our community. Prior to the Welcome Picnic, classrooms will be open and opportunity to hear key information from the teachers of each year level.


Road Safety

Thank you for helping make a really positive start to the Elizabeth Street entry. I can appreciate how challenging parking can become with the business of morning rush and afternoon pick up. It is strongly encouraged that Edwin Street is used as a one way towards the school and Peter Street going away from the school to ease the flow of traffic. To further support the safety of children and community members accessing grounds, the ‘dead end’ section of Elizabeth Street is not accessible with the exception of authorised disabled access. I appreciate your support in keeping Box Hill North safe.


Student Responsibility

Yesterday impressed beyond belief! Students were well prepared for their first day of school, readily equipped with drink bottles, sun-smart hats, in correct uniform and in classrooms before 9am. This has set the standard that we would like to continue throughout the course of the year. ‘Every minute counts’ will be an important focus for 2024 and we would like to see all students enter their classrooms by 8:50am. This opportunity allows for positive interactions with their peers, teacher and parents, ensuring lessons can begin promptly at 9am. Morning sessions are typically our prime time of learning and minimising interruptions from 9am makes a significant difference the experience for all. 


Thank you for helping make a positive start to 2024. On behalf of all staff at Box Hill North, we look forward to working closely in partnership with you to maximise every opportunity for your child. As always, Ains and I are only too happy to chat about ideas that you have to enhance the experience for your child. You can find us on the front gate each morning or afternoon, or pop in for a coffee.

