Specialists Updates and Celebrations

Messages from our Specialist team (P.E., Art, Music and Mandarin) and Library...

Music (Prep)

The Prep students have been busy learning about beat and rhythm. Our goal is to for them to establish a clear understanding of beat and an ability to keep a steady beat when playing music individually and with others. We have been working towards this goal with a range of songs, activities and games. 

We have recently introduced the concept of rhythm to the prep cohort. We are trying to form an awareness that beat and rhythm are different elements of music. Students have engaged with many learning experiences around rhythm that include body percussion, rhythm sticks and auxiliary percussion. 

A large focus has been placed on singing, a feature topic in our singing material has been getting to know each other’s names. We have enjoyed three specific name based songs that give each child the opportunity to sing their name to the class as we move around the circle.

We are very pleased to see how much our Prep students have been enjoying the program!

Performing Arts (Prep)

The Prep students have been learning about different dance styles from various periods of time. The theme this week, was all about K-Pop and how it came to be so popular in the world today. The students started the lesson by learning about the history of K-Pop and how Korean artists have influenced other artists from different countries. From this, the students watched a video that showcases the K-pop style and analysed various movement/techniques. They then followed a choreographed dance and had the opportunity to showcase their knowledge to the class by performing. This built their confidence and allowed them to display their talents and love for dance. 

Physical Education (Years 1 and 2)

Students in Year 1 and Year 2 have been focussing on social skills within PE lessons at the start of this year. Some of these skills are the most important to develop.

  1. Sharing: Learning to share equipment and space with classmates.
  2. Listening: Following instructions from teachers and peers.
  3. Taking turns: Waiting patiently for their chance during activities.
  4. Working together: Participating in group activities and games.
  5. Encouraging others: Offering support and cheering for classmates.
  6. Being kind: Showing empathy towards others' feelings.
  7. Respecting rules: Following basic rules and guidelines.
  8. Playing fair: Understanding the importance of fairness and honesty.

This has been combined with working on our sprinting skills. We have some speedy students at SMPS! 

Mandarin (Years 3 and 4)

Year 3 has been learning about greetings in Mandarin and the students have learnt how to say 'Hello', 'How are you', 'Good morning' and 'Good evening' in Mandarin. We learnt the "Hello Song" and the students really enjoyed the song and sang it while reviewing how to greet in Mandarin. We also learnt how to write "Hello" in Chinese and students with a Chinese language background began to practise writing Chinese characters using Chinese character practice sheets.


Year 4 students have begun their learning projects. They will have three weeks to work with a partner to complete the projects about Lunar New Year celebrations. Students may choose to create a poster or brochure that demonstrates their understanding of Chinese festivals and culture and how different countries celebrate the Lunar New Year to increase their international awareness and cultural inclusiveness.

Visual Arts (Years 5 and 6)

The Grade 5 and 6 students enjoyed learning about the two different categories of shape in art, while focusing on the Element of Art: Shape. Geometric shapes are shapes easily identified and name, like circles, squares, and rectangles. Organic shapes are freeform and random, shapes that are often found in nature, such as plants, animals, and even clouds in the sky! The students focused on Geometric shapes in their artworks and used a variety of techniques to create their pieces. This was a multi-step artwork that required students to focus and apply the directions exactly. It was a challenge to complete this artwork and it was amazing to see the hard work and dedication of the students determined to complete the artwork to a high standard. Great work Grade 5 and 6’s!


I am very excited to have new group of library monitors helping out in the library this term. 

Library monitors will work in the library during recess and lunch to assist with tasks such as:

  • Shelving books
  • Scanning book returns
  • Stamping and labelling books
  • Keeping the library neat and tidy
  • Creating displays

Applications were open to Grade 5 and 6 students and we had a big response. Students who missed out this term will be given the opportunity later in the year.