The Wellbeing Page 

Supporting students to stay happy, safe and connected...

Allied Health Recommendations 


At SMPS we love working with Allied Health professionals to create individualised goals. 


Many of our students connect with professionals through NDIS plans and privately to benefit from early intervention services. Collaboration between school, families and Allied Health professionals helps develop a clear and well-rounded understanding of the child's needs. 


Here are some Allied Health professionals we recommend. Note that these professionals collaborate with SMPS staff but are not funded as part of our teaching and learning program. 



Jordan Djuric at Smiley Days Psychology


Jordan can also do assessments such as:

  • Cognitive assessments. This is useful for children who are having difficulty academically. This will support teachers on the best way to support the child's learning within the classroom. It may also show why a child is having more difficulty within the classroom. 
  • BASC assessments. These are useful for screening potential behavioural and emotional challenges a child may be having. These are also useful for screening for anxiety, depression, autism and ADHD
  • ADHD assessment. A thorough and comprehensive assessment of ADHD in children who may be having difficulty with  attention and concentration, hyperactivity, impulse control issues and emotional dysregulation challenges. 

See the attachment below for more information on why these assessments are beneficial to your child as well as the team supporting them. 

Speech Pathology:

Lydia Keiffert at Growing Connections



Occupational Therapy:

Emma and Jade at PWARehab


Autism and ADHD private assessments:

Kerrin Danswan (psychologist) 
