School Leaders

Messages from the Office, Learning Specialists and School Organisers...

School Photos 

School Photographs are timeless possessions that can be enjoyed for many years to come. The School has organised MSP Photographers to attend the school on Thursday, 21 March


Families will be able to order individual child and sibling photos via Compass two weeks before and one week after the Photo Day. Please keep your eye out for Compass Newsfeed notifications over the coming weeks.


Students must wear full academic school uniform on the day. Please refer to our uniform policy on Compass under the Community Tab > School Documentation > Parent Policies. 



School Camps 2024 (Years 3-6)

Hello SMPS! My name is Miss Megan and I am the Camp Coordinator at our school. I also teach Grade 6B. I am excited to plan another year of Camps for our amazing students. This year, I will be the ‘go-to’ for families when it comes to all things Camp. I have coordinated Camps in schools for 5 years and also worked for Camps in Canada for 5 summers before becoming a teacher.


As mentioned in last week’s Parent Information Night, our Year 3-6 students will go on Camp this year. Both Camps will be at YMCA Anglesea. Please see the attached PDF, which answers some questions families commonly have. 




Term and Week 

Grade 3 and 4 Wed, 21 Aug - Fri, 23 Aug Term 3, Week 6 
Grade 5 and 6 Wed, 13 Nov- Fri, 15 Nov Term 4, Week 3 

While Camp is still many months away, planning for Camp must occur well in advance. This includes knowing exactly how many students will be coming on Camp. This helps me to work out how much Camp will cost exactly and start making plans for things like busses. 


Please click here to give a YES or NO response if you are interested in your child going on Camp.  If you have any Camp-related questions, please email me I am also happy to set up a time to meet to talk more about Camp. 

Annual Enrolment Form Check

Next week, your child will be bringing home a Student Enrolment Information Form as we would like to ensure that our records are correct and up-to-date as per the Department of Education & Training requirements.



  1. Please check each item on the Student Enrolment Information Form to ensure it is correct and up to date.
  2. If the information is correct, please write ‘NO CHANGES’ on the front page and go to step 4 (sign the form in the space provided).
  3. If there is any information that is incorrect, please clearly write the updated information next to each item, where necessary.
  4. Sign the Form in the space provided to confirm that all the information in this Form is correct and up to date.
  5. Return the completed and signed Form to your child’s class teacher. (EVEN IF THERE ARE NO CHANGES, we need to know that you have checked the information and it is correct).

We would appreciate this form be returned to your class teacher by Friday 22nd March.


There is a prize for the class in each year level who return the signed and completed forms first, so please assist your child’s class in potentially winning, and return your form as soon as possible.


Our school will then update our records of any necessary changes provided. 


We sincerely appreciate your prompt action and return of these important documents.

Lift Access

A reminder that lift access during Family Fridays is for those with mobility needs. All families who are able to use the stairs are asked to do so. This is particularly important for our Prep students who benefit from navigating through the school via the stairs with their parents once a week. This supports them to learn their way around before they do this with their teacher later in the year.

Welcome Pre-Service Teachers

We are excited to welcome four pre-service teachers (PSTs) to complete their practical teaching placement round, commencing this Thursday. These students come to us from the University of Melbourne where they are currently in their first year of the Masters of Teaching (Primary) course. They will be completing their 20-day practical placement throughout Term 1 and Term 2.


The school will play an important role in shaping the future generation of teachers and support our profession to be the best it can be! 


Please make them feel welcome should you see them around the school. 


SMPS Mentor Teacher          

  Pre-Service Teacher - UoM

Miss Delani (Grade 4)Mr Guocong (Gregor) Chen
Miss Megan (Grade 6)Miss Laura Warneke
Miss Bec (Grade 4)Miss Sonia Zobel
Miss Ciona (Grade 3)Mr Edmund Millison