3/4 Area

Denise Diamantopoulos, Sarah Cotton, Samira Abou-Eid, Natasha McKenna and Monique Jones

The grade 3/4 students have had a great start to the school year! We have all been working on the Ready To Learn program for the past two weeks and have been focusing on establishing expectations within the school and in the classrooms. We have participated in numerous activities which have allowed us to get to know one another and establish our personal profiles.  


Zones of Regulation

During these two weeks, we reviewed the concept of the Zones of Regulation, children completed activities which allowed them to explore and identify different emotions and reflect on some experiences they have had in that particular zone. 



Growth mindset VS Fixed mindset

Students explored the concept of a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. We watched videos and discussed the key differences between the two. Students created posters and sorted different sentences into the two categories they reflected. We also created acronyms for students to refer to when they need. Students really enjoyed this activity!!



The Learning Pit

Students were introduced to the learning Pit, we discussed the importance of mistakes and how making mistakes is okay. We referred back to our growth mindsets and recalled phrases that may help us to move forward and keep pushing. 


In this lesson, students created their own learning pits. Students included speech bubbles which represented the different thoughts and feelings they may have while in the different stages of the learning pit. Some created theirs on a time where they were having difficulty while some created theirs on a task that they found difficult at the start and would like to improve on.  



Curriculum Newsletter


Please find the attached copy of our Term 1 Curriculum News for the 3/4 area.