Grade 2 Area

Miss Kate Lyon, Mrs Angela Gioia and Mrs Amanda Johnson and Mrs Kaila Gugliemino

The Grade 2 students have had a great start to the school year! We have all been participating in the 'Ready 2 Learn' program for the last 2 weeks. This has helped us get to know one another and to understand the expectations within the school and our classrooms. 


All the students in Grade 2 have made a personal profile, which includes information about the students age, family, favourite things as well as what they are good at. These are all on display within the BER. The students have done a fabulous job decorating them to their likeness. Please enjoy a closer look below. 




Have a read through the Grade 2 Newsletter for this term. It outlines what we are learning, ways you can help or challenge your children at home and some important dates for the term.