School Policy Updates

As the new school year begins, please ensure your child is in full uniform.  Should you experience any difficulty with this, please come and see us at the office.  Attached is our Student Dress Policy.  


As a SunSmart school, it is compulsory for all students to wear a SunSmart hat in Term 1 and Term 4.  Too much of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation can cause sunburn, skin and eye damage and skin cancer. UV damage accumulated during childhood and adolescence is associated with an increased risk of skin cancer later in life.  Skin cancer is the most common cancer in Australia  It is also one of the most preventable cancers.   You can't see or feel the sun's UV which also radiates through on cloudy days so lets protect the young skin of our students.  Sunscreen is available in all classrooms and should your child not have a hat, they will be asked to stay under the covered area and unable to free play.  Thank-you for your support.


Ms McAlister