Principal Report

Mrs Deborah Crane

Dear PVNPS Community


Welcome back to PVNPS for 2024. Hope you all had a terrific summer vacation and ready for another year. 

At PVNPS we have started Term 1 extremely well with our Ready to Learn Program which has established our whole school expectations and were revised with students about having a growth mindset. Mr G also launched our House Teams today with our start of school celebration with our school leaders and captains leading the way. Our school is in a fantastic space for 2024 - we have many incentives for developing positive behaviours.

We should all be open to learning always and that making mistakes is part of the learning journey. It is also great for students to undertsand their goals and where to next in their learning plan. 

Ms McAlister has opened the bookings for the Meet the Teacher and I hope that everyone makes the time to come up for this initial chat about the year ahead. This will also establish the relationship and partnership between school and home. 


Mrs K is our Office Manager and is settling in to PVNPS. Thank you to the many parents who have been at the office and welcomed Mrs K ( Rebecca) to our school. Building relationships with all our staff is highly important. Mrs Panella popped in last week to say hi to us ( & yes she is missing us), but can I say she did look very relaxed to still be on holidays!


We have a full load of teaching staff and late in Term 4 in 2023 we employed Joel, as our Music/Performing Arts teacher for this year. Joel is a highy experienced music teacher and a musician as well.  Please take a read of his addition to the newsletter this week about his Music Program. Welcome Joel!


Please find below the list of the teaching staff. Over the next few newsletters I will include photos of our teaching teams.

Here are our wonderful specialist team.





Parent Payments:

Thank you to our families for their contributions in paying the parent payments. We have reeceived over 60%, which firstly goes towards the cost of each book pack provided to every student - but it also goes into our cash budgets for our additional programs that we provide suchs as; Visual Arts, Music, STEM, PE and Auslan. We are still trying to equip our STEM program with more coding bots and Mr Lytton is trying to source even more hands on equipment for our students to experience and further develop their curiosities.


BeeHive: 'A Hive of Learning'


Mr Gagliardi, Ms McAlister and Ms Kaila are in the process of establishing a spare classroom into a BEEHIVE (it's just been painted yellow) for additional classes to be organised to cater for supporting academic needs, but more importantly social and emotional learning. 

I am very excited about this new initiative which will strengthen students' engagement, connections and success at school. 




Dear Parents/Guardians

It is important for you to be aware that the Department does not provide personal accident

 insurance or ambulance cover for students. Parents and guardians of students, who do not 

have student accident insurance/ambulance cover, are responsible for paying 

the cost of medical treatment for injured students.