Junior School Council & Student Engagement 

Miss Ansons and Mr G 

As part of the Ready to Learn 2024 program conducted across the school, this week classrooms held their Junior School Council elections during which many students got up to present a speech to their peers about why they would make a great leader. 


We congratulate ALL the students who showed courage and put their hand up as a potential representative and participated in the elections. Those students should be very proud of themselves, whethey they were voted in as the JSC Leader or not. 


YOU DON'T NEED A BADGE TO BE A GREAT LEADER and we remind students that there will surely be many opportunities for them to demonstrate leadership in one form or another.


We would like to formally acknowledge those students who did get elected. At next Friday's assembly, we will be presenting them with their JSC badges.  It is with great excitement that we look forward to working with the following JSC and School Leaders in 2024. 


 - Miss Ansons and Mr G