Wellbeing at PVNPS

Mr James Gagliardi

Hi families,


I hope you're all well and enjoying a great start to 2024. 


For those of you who aren't aware who I am, my name is James Gagliardi and I am the Wellbeing Leading Teacher at school. 

Throughout the year I will be sharing information, resources and news relating to Wellbeing and what we are doing to support your child at school. 


This year will be our second year implementing The Resilience Project as one of the core programs within our school-wide wellbeing curriculum. Along with The Resilience Project, we also cover lessons from the Respectful Relationships Program, cyber safety lessons and regular mindfulness practices.


Here is a a handout about The Resilience Project which will be a revision for existing families and an introduction for the new families we welcome to PVNPS.