Whole School Celebration

Ready to Learn 2024

For the first two weeks of 2024, classrooms across the school have been participating in the whole school Ready to Learn Program. Through learning about concepts such as positive expectations, goal setting and student voice,  children and their teachers have been develop their understandings of many of the things required for a successful 2024. 


We celebrated the end of this program with a whole-school house celebration this morning. Students had the first of many opporunities this year to come together and meet other peers in their House Teams. They played some getting-to-know-you games and with the help of the House Captains, they learened their new chants. We then all came together as one on the oval to watch each house perform their new chants before they participated in a couple of rounds of large scale Tunnel Ball. 


Green House earned the most points for their performance across the activities and will enjoy an icy pole next week!


Here are some pictures from the morning.

 - Mr G