Specialist News

Visual Arts - Physical Education - Music & Performing Arts  &  S.T.E.M.

Mrs Buffinton, Mr Rees, Mr Lytton and Mr Brokate

Music and Performing Arts


Hi everyone! 

Welcome to the first Music and Performing Arts newsletter of the Semester. 

I’ll start by introducing myself. My name is Joel and I’ve taught Music for 14 years now and played music for 30 years. I’m a guitarist, keyboard player and drummer with experience in audio production using Ableton. I’m also a semi professional photographer, part time gardener and RecipeTinEats cooking fanatic. I’m super excited to teach the students Music and Performing Arts this year.


Prep have started the year by recognising the percussion instruments maracas, rhythm sticks (claves) and egg shakers. They are working on moving safely around the classroom, focusing on body zones (not touching other people) and watching out for equipment around the room. We're exploring taking turns of instruments, playing softly, starting and stopping and call and response activities. We will also be doing acting/role playing on real life situations like sharing and helping each other out as the term progresses.


Grade 1 - Are exploring the different percussion instruments and looking at playing in time to the beat. They are playing music/performing arts movement games such as moving to Beethoven, through to Tay Tay (by request). As the term progresses we will explore playing simple songs on the xylophone. We have started Mary Had a Little Lamb. They have also started small acting activities including charades (coming up with a scenario for the class to guess).


Grade 2 - Have started reading out music symbols of Ta and Ti-Ti. They are focusing on playing in time, looking after the instruments and focusing on dynamics (soft and loud). They have started looking at making their own compositions with a C Major scale (CDEFGAB)



Grade 3/4 - Are exploring rhythmic symbols for crotchets, quavers and their relevant rests. They are looking at playing in time to different tempos and clapping along to set rhythms such as crotchet work and quaver work:

Click Link to practise ---> Crotchet playing and Quavers

Grade 3/4 are creating their own rhythms on percussion and xylophones/glockenspiels


Grade 5/6 are working on crotchets, quavers and semiquavers. They are creating their own pieces and adding the pitches ABCDEFG and sharps and flats. They are learning how to play complex rhythms on the glockenspiel and xylophones and will move onto keyboard type exercises once we are back in the music room. We will be exploring compositions through playing the live instruments, as well as using iPads with GarageBand and BandLab to explore and express our ideas as the term goes on. This year we will also be learning the ukulele.



                                                          PVNPS SINGING CLUB

PVNPS Singing Club

Yes! That’s right. Choir is having a name and day change.

PVNPS Singing Club will now be on Wednesdays at lunch time in the Art Room.

Everyone is welcomed!!!!!!

So, if you love to sing bring your voices, come and sing with the PVNPS Singing Club.



This Term will be a busy one for sport and PE at Pascoe Vale North. Our interschool sport competition kicks off on Friday with parents most welcome to watch their children play. The first game is played at Coburg North Primary school commencing at 11.30am.


We are again lucky to have SEDA college coming to our school starting week 4 for 3 to deliver some AFL football clinics across the school. All year levels will be involved.


AFL Victoria will be running a special lunchtime footy clinic on Wednesday the 14th of February. There will be a friendly competition with prizes included as I understand.

The AFL is also keen to promote Auskick which kicks off soon. I have attached a couple of flyers for the Coburg and Pascoe Vale centres if you child or children are interested. There is a QR code to scan to give you all the information you need.


Thank You 

Barry Rees