Hello - Kaya.



This week I have spent some time in class assisting students to connect to the school communication platform - "Compass". Families should have received information as to how to log in and receive communications across this platform.  Please contact the school if you need assistance in connecting to this.


Compass is becoming more widely used across all public schools in WA and will largely become the method of holding and distributing information for students, families and schools. 


As we trial programs there may be some double up in communications or some notifications so that we can ensure the College has its systems sorted and information is not being missed. So please bear with us as we navigate and implement modules within Compass.  


One of the new modules the College is implementing is ‘Events’. This is effectively notifications, information, permissions and payments for excursions. Thank you in advance for your patience. 


Work Experience

Some of our Year 12 students have opted to complete Work Placement on either a Tuesday or Thursday this semester. They will be out and about in the industry in a range of settings developing skills that will allow them to transition into further training and / or work next year. For students interested in this please see Mrs Raper or myself. 



Spare a thought for our friends up at Morawa Agricultural College as they are enduring a very hot spell.


Mobile Phones

Last week I discussed attendance and the particular details in the College Handbook relating to this. This week I would like to talk about mobile phones and the College Policy and particular details in relation to this.


Mobile Phone and Smart Watch Policy

Students are not to carry mobile phones with them during school hours. This enables full focus on learning activities and reduces opportunities for inappropriate behaviours. It also prepares students for the increasing number of employers who are banning mobile phones in the workplace. 



  • Students are not to have a mobile phone on their person or in their bag during school hours - 8am to 4pm Monday to Thursday, 8am to 2.30pm Fridays or during dairy roster or weekend stock.
  • Students are not to use their mobile phone during meal times or prep time in residential hours.
  • Students are not to use their mobile phones for bullying or harassment of staff or students or for recording inappropriate behaviour or for forwarding or receiving inappropriate material. Students who use their phone for bullying or vilification purposes will also be dealt with for as bullying.


  • For the purposes of this Policy, the term mobile phones includes smart watches and other electronic communication devices.
  • Students with diagnosed medical conditions who require a mobile phone will be permitted to carry them during the school day. 
  • Day students have the option of leaving their phones at the front office, in their allocated phone locker, in their car or not bringing them to school. 
  • Boarding students will leave their phones in their dorm room.
  • Students can access cameras from staff in all areas for recording learning/training progress.
  • Handheld CB radios are available on Beef and Sheep (and spares for other sections) in the event that a task requires students and staff to be separated and need to communicate.
  • Parents can communicate with their child via the front office.
  • Parents/carers of residential students may request to have their child’s phone held by staff overnight.


If a student is found in possession of a mobile phone the following sanctions apply.

  • First offence -1 week loss of Good Standing.
  • Second offence - 2 weeks loss of Good Standing.
  • Third offence - 3 weeks loss of Good Standing, plus half day internal withdrawal.
  • Fourth and subsequent -  4 weeks loss of Good Standing, plus full day internal withdrawal.


On each occasion, phones will be confiscated when found on students and handed back at the end of the day once parents have been contacted.