Grade 5 Community News

Welcome Back
Welcome back to the school year of 2024! We hope that you had an amazing and relaxing holiday break. During the first two weeks of Year 5, the students have been participating in their Learn2Learn unit. The focus of this unit is to prepare the students for learning at TRPS.
In Learn2Learn, the students have revisited the school values of respect, responsibility, kindness and growth. The students worked with their teacher and collaboratively with peers to discuss what these values look like, sound like and feel like. The students have also been revising using their student voice when reflecting upon their learning.
In Reading, the students began the term by discussing independent reading protocols and also discussed the differences between reading genres and how to manage the classroom library. The students also experienced their first ‘book tasting’ of Year 5 and were introduced to the roles and responsibilities of Literature Circles.
In Writing, students discussed the importance of book work neatness and also wrote a letter to introduce themselves to their teachers. The students also revisited the writing process, working through planning, drafting and editing a narrative.
In Mathematics, the students started with gathering and collecting categorical data and then displaying that data as graphs in their workbooks. They analysed themselves as mathematicians and identified their strengths, how they learn best and what areas they would like to work on. The students also discussed strategies they would use when thrown into ‘the learning pit’ and completed some assessments based around place value.
- Just a reminder that in Term 1, students need to be wearing a TRPS school hat during recess and lunchtimes.
- Student Journals have now been sent home, it is an expectation that all students are reading regularly throughout the week and recording this in their journals.
Meet the Teacher