Grade 2 Community News

Dear Grade 2 students and families,
Welcome to a new year at Tarneit Rise Primary School! We are so excited to have our students back as well as meet some new faces who are now part of the Tarneit Rise Primary School community. The Grade 2 teachers are looking forward to a new year of learning and growing with our students.
Grade 2 students have been spending time getting to know their new teachers and new classmates for the 2024 school year. Throughout our Learn to Learn program, students are reminded of our school’s expectations as well as learning about the protocols in Grade 2 that allow our amazing learning to happen. The children have settled in beautifully in their new classrooms and are all showing that they are ready for a year full of exciting opportunities!
A few reminders:
• It is important that students are at school and on time every day, so they are not missing out on valuable learning time.
• During Term 1 and Term 4, students must wear their hats when outside in the playground. Please make sure your child has a TRPS Bucket Hat, with their name clearly labelled.
• Students are encouraged to have a fruit break during the school day. Please bring along some cut up fruit or vegetables in a small container, separate to a lunchbox that can be placed on top of your child’s desk.
• Please also ensure that your child brings a water bottle to school each day, filled with fresh water.
• Lastly, students will start the process of bringing home books as part of the home reading program. We ask that your child brings their reading satchel to school on their designated day, so they can change their books. Please encourage or assist your child in recording how many nights they have read for, so that they can receive their certificates to celebrate their reading milestones.
We hope you all have a wonderful year!