French News

Bonjour Parents and Students!
Bon retour à l'école! Welcome back to school :)
Our Prep and grade 1 students kicked off the new year by learning basic greetings. Preps learned how to say hello and how to introduce their name in French. Grade 1 students extended their knowledge on greeting by learning a variety of ways of saying hello, thank you, as well as asking someone how they are and answer the question.
Grade 2 and 3 students focused on common classroom instructions and classroom phrases they can use. We will keep consolidating their knowledge on this topic by giving instructions in French and requiring them to use French phrases throughout the year!
Grade 4 students had a look at how to tell time by hour in French. Since it is more common to use 24-hour time in France, students practiced converting 12-hour time to 24-hour time and writing them out in complete French sentences.
Grade 5 and 6 students started by some basic housekeeping classroom phrases which they can use throughout the year. They then learned the conjugation rule of regular ER verbs, which is an essential elements of French language.
Last but not least, French team looks forwards to meeting you on Meet and Greet day on the 22nd Feb. If you would like to know more about our French program, come along and say hi!
Please note : If your child is new to learning French or just would like to practice the basics, follow the links below so that they can practice at home 😊
Alphabet song –
Number song -
Color song -
Days of the week -
Months of the year -
Merci (thanks) for reading! We look forward to watching our students at Tarneit Rise Primary School continue to grow in their French language abilities.
À bientôt!
The French Specialist Team