Principal's Message

Dear parents and caregivers of Tarneit Rise Primary School,
The beginning of each school year brims with positive energy and such joy! It is a delight to watch our children and staff reconnect, to welcome back our existing children, families, and staff, and to officially welcome to our community our 2024 prep children, new children who have joined us across years one to six, and new families and staff. Welcome, welcome, welcome! We are looking forward to getting to know you all.
Our children have settled into their new classrooms beautifully, are quickly learning routines, and are demonstrating such enthusiasm for the year ahead. We could not be more thrilled!
We would like to introduce you to our 2024 staff:
Executive Leadership Team
Principal: Nadia Bettio
Assistant Principals: Sarah Narres (Disability & Inclusion), Missy Kloss (Years Five and Six), Gemma Skeen (Year Foundation), Alana Stathoulis (Curriculum, Teaching & Learning), Lauren Avdyl (Year 2), Stephen Zhang (Years Three and Four), and Adam Oliver (Year One)
Leading Teachers: Taleisha McCalman (Year Foundation), Cobie Canny (Year One), Ashlee DiMartino (Year Three), Leonie Hegarty (Year Four), Rowena Ostyn (Year Five), and Jamilee Pearce (Year Six)
Prep Professional Learning Community (PLC)
Prep A: Jessica Cox (PLC Leader & Learning Specialist), Prep B: Taylah Fredrickson, Prep C: Yasemine Armstrong & Tess Buckley, Prep D: Lauren Faulkner, Prep E: Ellie Brett, Prep F: Amie McLeod, Prep G: Chelsea Chamings, Prep H: Maddie de Barro, Prep I: Casey Marando, Prep J: Jessica Vernon, Prep K: Madison Lin, & Prep L: Juliette Tardif.
Year One Professional Learning Community
1A: Jessica Todio (PLC Leader), 1B: Stephanie Kelly, 1C: Rebecca Moodycliffe, 1D: Breanna Rayner, 1E: Jenny Nguyen, 1F: Tamryn Takai, 1G: Elizabeth Anastasi, 1H: Ashlee Jeon, 1I: Abby McGinn, IJ: Rachel Newman, 1K: Neisha Santos, IL: Marcelle Fetolofai, 1M: Mikaela Stafford, IN: Tara Carmichael & 1O: Alicia Pisasale.
Year Two Professional Learning Community
2A: Monica Ghattas (PLC Leader), 2B: Heather Cope, 2C: Jessica Stewart, 2D: Piumi Arumapperuma, 2E: Sanjini Mudaliar, 2F: Kathleen Julian (Learning Specialist), 2G: Luke Westwick, 2H: Kelsey Duff, 2I: Hilma Diaz (Learning Specialist), 2J: Georgina Kelly, 2K: Jake Sewell, 2L: Lucy Coull, 2M: Emily Hanson & 2N: Laura Madigan.
Year Three Professional Learning Community
3A: Tina Agius (PLC Leader), 3B: Kaiya Edwards, 3C: Lee Watkins, 3D: Ainslee May, 3E: Marina Bestawrose, 3F: Olivia Smillie, 3G: Melanie Estella & 3H: Rac’el Dixon.
Year Four Professional Learning Community (PLC)
4A: Jodie Rickerby (PLC Leader & Learning Specialist), 4B: Jackson Scott, 4C: Catherine Liley, 4D: Jessica Manning, 4E: Nikita Nikita, 4F: Ashleigh Stafford 4G: Razmi Devi Pal, 4H: Megan Stephenson, 4I: Hannah Mitchell- Frey, 4J: Trevor Hanlan & 4K: Liana Agathangelou
Year Five Professional Learning Community (PLC)
5A: Christian Garcia (PLC Leader & Learning Specialist), 5B: Khanh Emmens, 5C: Erin Po-ching, 5D: Graeme McWhirter, 5E: Elliot Tanner, 5F: Hannah Piacentini, 5G: Sarah Hix, 5H: Jacqui Cannon, 5I: Edwandie Kruger & 5J: Shanaya Pringle.
Year Six Professional Learning Community (PLC)
6A: Amy Jones (PLC Leader), 6B: Tom Sandry, 6C: TBC, 6D: Shalveen Singh, 6E: Justin Perryman (Learning Specialist), 6F: Awaroa Rapana, 6G: Stephanie Brigandi (Learning Specialist), 6H: Charmaine Stoffels, 6I: Alexandra Cook.
Specialist Professional Learning Community (PLC)
Physical Education: Mitchell Marley (PLC Leader & Learning Specialist), Grant Dew, Matt Tivendale & Giovanni Raffaele
French: Antonio Setas-Martins, Bernadette Clarke, Jianrui Ma & Janelle Landry
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM): Carmen Barnes, Haslinda Gould, Mel Gunsan, Charlotte Taylor & Tess Buckley
Performing Arts: Victoria Andrew, Max Barker & Fiona Patton
Visual Art: Karlee Sobing, Mary Skram & Teigan Brandt
Literacy Intervention Professional Learning Community (PLC)
Brooke Healy (PLC Leader), Miranda Obieglo, Kylie Flower, Carla Florio, Lama Dabbous, Prabhjot Kaur, Anu Thakral & Jolly Gupta
Inclusion Aide Professional Learning Community (PLC)
Anchal Patidar, Anna Varga, Arifa Rehana, Avneet Kaur, Anusha Chityala, Beata Warner, Chloe Rojo, Garima Dhawan, Hanan Hanan, Harjot Kaur, Jaswinder Kaur Jemmu, Kamrun Nahar, Kunjan Shah, Leenah Ansab, Mandeep Mandeep, Mariya Imran, Maree Archer, Mazeda Mansuri, Minakshi Shori, Mehree Fatima, Nasrin Banu, Neha Mehta, Poonam Sharma, Rawna Tesfauy, Renee Murchie, Shelly Costanzo, Sumaira Akhtar, Sun Lam, Syeda Fatima, Syeda Zehra, Thenmozhi Senthilkumar, Vidya Nambiar, Zarmina Butt & Zoya Umar
Business Manager: Alyssa Tobin
Executive Assistant to the Principal: Angela Rich
Assistant Business Manager: Maddison Herbert
Enrolments Officer: Daniela Catania
Receptionists: Allison Winter & Arjana Sheremetaj
Administration: Lisa Jones & Karen Holt
Dorian Johnson, Andrew Wilson & Jacob Blazeski
Information Communication Technology Technicians
Parminder Singh, Thomas Vo & Jack Harvey
Library Technician
Georgie Newton
Wellbeing Team
Social Workers: Jade Cruz & Elise Underwood
Youth Worker: Fatai
Chaplin: Lisa Gerring
Speech Pathologists: Annabel Mander, Zaina Mohamed & Ishita Parmer
Psychologist: Jessica Bickham
Art Therapist: Cora Beebee-Sandry
Mental Health & Wellbeing Leader: Bridget Rush
Disability & Inclusion Officer: Faith Jere
Natasha Ellis
School Nurse
Marianne Uldall
School Uniform
When at school, it is expected all children are wearing either the complete sports uniform or the complete academic uniform (please see below). Our school uniform is important because it fosters a sense of belonging, it represents Tarneit Rise Primary School within our community, and it reduces the focus on what children wear in comparison to others. Therefore, uniform infringement notices will be issued to children who come to school wearing non-uniform items of clothing or who are wearing a combination of items from the sports uniform and the academic uniform. Regarding our school uniform and children’s personal presentation, it is essential:
- children only wear the complete sports uniform or the complete academic uniform
- children are in full school uniform every day, unless there is a casual dress day
- all uniform items are clean in appearance
- garments are kept in good repair
- children wear their uniform neatly
- all uniform items are clearly named. We recommend student labels be ironed or sewn on to each uniform item rather than written. Student name labels should also be on the inside of garments only
- nail polish or false nails (acrylic, shellac, SNS, gel) are not worn
- only small, plain, and round gold or silver stud or sleeper earrings are worn in earlobes
- if children’s hair reaches their collar, it is secured off the face using black, teal or hair colour clips, clasps, hair bands and hair ties only
- cultural headdress is to be either white, black, or teal only
- cultural headdress does not exclude children from wearing their school hat
- the only hat that is worn is the Tarneit Rise Primary School hat.
Setting the expectation that children are in correct school uniform and that it is worn neatly in primary school, will support them to do so in secondary school. This will reduce the battles you will need to have with them as teenagers and communication from the school concerning your child’s uniform.
School Attendance
Throughout the year you will often hear us address the importance of attending school each day. Daily school attendance is important for all children to succeed in education and ensure they do not fall behind both socially and developmentally. Children who regularly attend school have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives. It is important children develop the habit of attending school daily at an early age. There are no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind and can affect their longer term educational and social outcomes. It is just as important for students at the beginning of their school journey to be at school each day as it is for those who are moving on to secondary school next year. EVERY day is important to ensure solid foundations for learning are built. We will continue to rigorously monitor student absences, particularly unexplained absences, which means you will receive a phone call from the school any time your child is absent for unexplained reasons and sometimes even when the absence is explained. If your child is going to be absent, please inform us before 10 am of the reason. We will also not approve absences due to extended family holidays which occur during the term. Whilst it is more expensive, in terms of your child’s development, it is only safe to go on family holidays during the school holidays.
- school begins at 8:45am and ends at 3:10pm
- school gates are locked at 8:53am and opened at 3:00pm
- Breakfast Club is on every Thursday and Friday from 8:00am in the staffroom. Children are welcome to come on down from 8:00am to enjoy a wide variety of breakfast options to get ready for a day of learning. This is at no cost to families.
We are very excited for the year ahead, and we look forward to sharing the journey with you and your children.
Stay safe,
Nadia, Sarah, Missy, Gemma, Lauren, Stephen, Adam, and Alana 😊