Learning and Teaching

Learning and Teaching 2024


It was great to welcome all of our students as they came to school with smiles on their faces ready to begin a new year.


Our school has embarked on a journey of discovery over the last couple of years guided by Bradley Geise in the course titled 'Using Data for Continuous School Improvement.' During this time we have learnt of the importance of using four different types of data - learning, perception, demographic and school processes. All of this information helps to create an individual learning profile for each of our students and authentically guides school improvement. A huge thank you to all the families who were able to attend the Meet and Greet sessions. These interviews provided some important perception data for our teachers, helped to initiate the connection between home and school and promoted a very smooth transition to the year. 


In terms of learning data out teachers were engaged in the analysis of multiple sources of data for their specific cohort. From this, an individual Number and Reading learning goal was created. These goals are being shared with all students and the steps to achieve the goal is being developed and implemented. These goals will be monitored on an ongoing basis and new goals developed accordingly. In the next few weeks our plan is for a writing goal to also be established. These goals will be communicated with families as our learning continues to evolve.


Our Prep, Year One and Year Two teachers have already commenced some key Professional Learning moving forward in Mathematics. On Tuesday, our Year One and Two teachers, along with Emma Davies, attended a Teaching for Impact in Mathematics workshop day, which our Prep teachers will also attend in the coming weeks. This is the beginning of their participation in a year-long project, exploring maths resources and teaching strategies to encourage full participation and success for all students in Mathematics. Another positive aspect of the project is a coaching element to the course which provides our classroom teachers with relevant, purposeful feedback about little tweaks that they can implement to maximise the impact of their teaching for our students. We are excited to track the progress and engagement of our Junior School students and teachers throughout the year as these teachers continue to participate in the TIMS project.


We are looking forward to continuing to work and progress all of our wonderful students at St Louis throughout 2024.


Michelle Barron