
“R-E-S-P-E-C-T” sang the late, great Aretha Franklin! A word that holds so much power, meaning and is a fundamental trait that everyone can benefit from.
Over the last few weeks at Mitcham Primary, we have continued to work hard on practising, demonstrating and encouraging each other to work on our Mitcham Values. We have been focussing on RESPECT for ourselves, each other and our surroundings.
In our multi-level Mitcham Mates sessions we discussed, ‘what is the meaning of RESPECT?’ What does it look like, sound like, feel like? We broke it down into 5 words:
Trust, Heard, Valued, Accepted and Safe.
We practised these values by playing a fun group game called “Piccadilly Circus.’ In a circle, one ball was speedily carried between each member. When you had given the ball to someone else, you needed to sit down until all members of the game had had a turn. Each time the game was played, we worked as a team to get faster and faster. We focussed on trusting each other to work as a team, listening to each other, accepting mistakes, valuing each other’s performance and safely moving around the circle. It was wonderful to see all students from Foundation to Grade 6 working together in harmony and showing each other RESPECT. Go Mitcham!