Playgroup News

A playground that you may already be familiar with but wanted to mention… Stamford Park Adventure Playground!
Playgroup is fantastic for the adults and kids; I am loving seeing them work on art projects together. It is so hard to find the time to sit down at home and enjoy this quality time with them. Art has been very popular of late, with pasting and sticking, plus the paint easel has been getting a workout. There are also some things that are enjoyed week after week.
Stamford Park Adventure Playground
Stamford Park Adventure Playground in Rowville has been recommended by one of our parents in Playgroup, though they did say it was not really suitable for her 3-year-old, but 4 years and up is good. Here is a link that I found with some information about it: Stamford Park Adventure Playground, Rowville — mamma knows east
Playgroup Coordinator