From Our School Leaders

Term 3 Parent-Teacher Interviews - Wednesday 4th September 2.00pm - 5.30pm
It’s the time of the year where we invite our parent community in to school to discuss your child’s achievements, progress and goals for the remainder of the year. Please log into COMPASS to book interview times with your child’s teacher. Interviews will be face-to-face at school, with Webex offered if required and organised with the class teacher. Bookings are now open via COMPASS. If you are having difficulty, please see the ladies in our school office.
Tonight is our biennial whole-school production, and this year's performance is Mr Blue Sky. Jarren Boyd, our music teacher, has been coordinating, preparing and planning for this performance for many weeks now; he has also had a team of people assisting. There has been a buzz around the school this week, and the kids are very excited for it all to be coming to fruition tonight. Congratulations on all that everyone has achieved, and “Chookas” to all of our students for a successful and fun performance tonight.
Book Week Fun
It was a sheer delight to see so many children dressed up and participating in our annual Book Week parade last Friday. Some children went to great lengths to make their costumes, and many students enjoyed showcasing their favourite book character. During the week, we also had students reading the shortlisted Children's Book Council Awards (CBCA) books over Webex to the whole school, during lunch eating time. There were classroom based activities as well, and lots of shared reading across the school.
Thank you to our families for supporting our annual Book Fair. It is a much-loved event by our students, and gives our library a boost each year as well. Thank you also to Alison Lancashire who coordinates Book Week at SPS each year.
Reading, as you know, is a key life skill, and there are many benefits to children reading every night at home, as well as each day at school. It all adds up! There is also the joy and comfort of reading to your children nightly and sharing a story or chapter book with them. It’s one positive way to finish each and every day.
Support Your Child's Education With Free Internet At Home Until December 2025
The School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) is a Federal Government initiative offering free home internet to 30,000 unconnected households with school-aged students. Households have until Tuesday 31 December 2024 to apply. Free services will continue until 31 December 2025.
The initiative seeks to boost educational opportunities and narrow the digital divide.
To be eligible, households must:
- have a child living at home that is enrolled in an Australian school (up to Year 12 including Prep)
- not have an active NBN Co. network internet service at home (excludes mobile internet services)
- live in a premises that can access the NBN Co. network via a standard connection
- not have had an active NBN Co. connection during the previous 14 days.
To be assessed, please contact the NBN National Referral Centre on 1800 954 610 or visit to request a call back. Please note:
- NBN will check your nominated home address for an active NBN connection.
- You do not need to provide financial information.
- Translation and interpretation services are available.
Some families might also be contacted via their school with information about how to apply. The Victorian Department of Education has been working with the NBN to review Victorian school student home addresses. Only home addresses have been provided to NBN to check. No other personal information has been shared with NBN. NBN handles this data in accordance with privacy law.
Find out more:
- Department of Education SSBI webpage for parents and carers: School Student Broadband Initiative: information for parents and carers
- For more information on the SSBI, visit the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts website.
JET@S – Scoresby Secondary College
Junior Excellence Tuition at Scoresby (JET@S) is an exciting initiative for grade 4 and 5 students, conducted after school during Term 4 at Scoresby Secondary College.
It is based on research into the relationship between student engagement and learning. The program has been introduced as part of the transformation of Scoresby Secondary College that has led to the development of partnerships with tertiary providers including Monash and Melbourne Universities, industry partners Thermo Fisher Scientific, Australian Business Community Network, Building Better Australians Incorporated, and acknowledgement of the changes by many educational leaders.
For information on the application process, please contact the college on 9765 4100 or email
Scoresby Primary School Leaders